There is no cure. I repeat – there is no cure for migraines; all you can do is use a migraine treatment to help with the symptoms and try to prevent any migraine attacks. Yet even though there is no cure, there are many migraine treatments that work differently in every person. These migraine treatments should be researched however and consult you primary care physician as to which migraine treatment will work best for you. Next, we will look at a few of the migraine treatments available.
Massage Therapy
When someone hears the word “massage,” many connotations come to mind such as: Swedish massage, deep-tissue, large brutish woman breaking your back and many thoughts. Yet when it comes to massage therapy for migraines, a deep-tissue massage on the large muscle group would actually intensify the migraine pain and prolong the migraine further. No, the massage therapist will focus a smaller group of muscle that start at the base of the head and proceed all the way down the spine. This muscle group is called the sub-occipital muscle group; the sub-occipitals go unnoticed by most except those who know they hold the key to minimizing neck / back tension, thus eliminating one the migraine’s triggers. Also relief is felt almost immediately.
Migraine Support Formula
This migraine treatment packs the biggest punch and does so with the least amount of side effects, unlike prescription medication. The Migraine Support Formula is comprised of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals which in this combination help minimize the onset of migraines and their symptoms. Hours of research has been spent learning about these ingredients and how they work together to fight migraine attacks. Here are some of the ingredient and their discovered uses:
- Coenzyme Q10 – This compound works directly with cellular respiration and stop the oxidation process amongst healthy cells. If the oxidizing is hindered, then it is difficult for an individual to get sick i.e. migraines.
- Ginger – This root helps with indigestion, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal tract issues. When a migraine hits, the GI tract is greatly affected. It is most commonly known through ginger ale; I’d like some Seagram’s, please.
- Butterbur – Found primarily in the Northern Hemisphere beside rivers, marshes or trenches, this plant plays an important role in stopping migraines. Butterbur does this by lessening the inflammation which the enlarged blood vessels experience, thus it minimizes the intensity and frequency of occurrences.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, herbal, herbal remedies, inflammation, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, treating migraines
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13 years ago
Surrpisingly well-written and informative for a free online article.