Wouldn’t it be great if you could wish away or click an On/Off switch to relieve or even eliminate migraine pain? The pulsating pain shooting through your temples is enough to leave you lying in bed all day. Physical treatment options may provide just as much benefit for those suffering from migraine attacks, as medically prescribed pain relievers. One reason for this is that migraines often create a great deal of tension in the neck and shoulders. This tension is a result of the migraine, not the cause, however reducing this stress in your muscles can help bring about a level of relief to your throbbing head.
Types Of Therapy
There are several types of physical therapy or treatments that have documented great success in relieving migraine symptoms and reducing intensity of attacks. Keep in mind that different therapies provide different results for different people.
Classic physical therapy is one choice. This type of treatment encompasses massage, physical adjustments, posture correction, and work to improve overall range of motion to your joints and muscles. Some licensed physical therapist may be willing to provide you or a family member with some techniques that you can do at home to relieve tension. Most physical therapy will have to be prescribed by your primary care physician. Spinal realignment and manipulation through chiropractic care is another option. When bones are not properly aligned they may put unnecessary pressure on your nerves which could be a trigger. Massage therapy which focuses on reducing tension in the neck, jaw and shoulders will be the most beneficial. These areas are most prone to be triggers for classic migraine episodes. Lastly, the use of Acupuncture, the traditional Chinese therapy, has shown promising results in relieving migraine pain. Acupuncture has no known side effects or risk of injury, making it a popular choice. Some believe that acupuncture even provided more efficient relief than prescription medications.
Physical Therapy is more effective than massage, chiropractic or acupuncture treatment as it provides so many different modalities of treatment. Physical therapy and chiropractic treatments are typically covered by medical insurance. Massage therapy if prescribed by or performed at a doctor’s office is usually covered, as well. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is very seldom covered by medical insurance, so if cost is an issue, be sure to review all coverage options with your insurance carrier and the treatment facility prior to starting treatment. This will ensure that you are not stressed later trying to pay for an unexpected bill.
Reaping The Benefit
While each of the treatment options mentioned above have shown time and time again that they will provide a level of migraine relief, to reap the most benefit of your treatment maintain some simple lifestyle changes in conjunction with your treatment. These changes include regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet and avoiding possible triggers. Regular exercise program consists of 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week. Find a program that works well for you and that you enjoy. Be mindful of possible triggers when choosing an activity to make sure you don’t create a migraine when working to avoid them. Aerobic activity will not only reduce the level of tension in the body in an effort to stave off another attack, but it provide health benefits for the entire body and is a powerful mood buster.
Keeping a balanced diet is important for overall health, but foods and drinks can often be triggers. Make sure you are consuming enough calories each day, as hunger can trigger a headache and many other health issues. Try not to skip meals, work to eat six small meals a day or at least have a snack between your breakfast, lunch and dinner routine. This will help to keep blood sugar levels in normal range. Avoiding caffeine, artificial sweeteners and foods high in preservatives is suggested.
Triggers for migraines are not always easy to identify. To help avoid those pesky things that leave you begging for relief, consider keeping a headache journal. In the journal you can document things that you have eaten, exercise, how you are feeling, and the presence of any migraine or accompanying symptoms. This will help your to identify any trends that may be responsible for those throbbing temples and other menacing migraine symptoms.
Tags: Acupuncture, alternatives, Biofeedback, chiropractic care, chronic pain, Massage Therapy, medication, therapies, treatment
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