Suffering from migraine headache is an excruciating experience and anyone who has gone through this knows the importance of migraine prevention. Although no one knows what causes migraines to occur, there are treatments and medications that help prevent them from happening.
When someone has a migraine, typical symptoms are:
• Throbbing pain (usually on one side of the head)
• Nausea
• Sensitivity to light and sound
These symptoms, which can last from hours to days, leave the person incapacitated with decreased ability to function. There are preventive treatments out there to help decrease the occurrence of migraines in 40% of sufferers but only about half that amount takes advantage of them. People with severe attacks can sometimes help prevent migraines if they change their lifestyle, avoid migraine triggers, or take preventive medicines.
There are two migraine medications: acute and preventive
Acute Migraine Medications – These meds are taken once a migraine starts. They are also called abortive because they are used to stop or “abort” an attack once it starts. This approach is useful for those who have occasional or mild attacks.
Preventive Migraine Medications – These are taken to reduce the amount, severity, and length of migraine headache. This approach is used for people who have frequent migraines and reduces how often migraines occur by about half. You may want to use preventive medications if the acute ones do not work for you or you have frequent migraines (more than one a week).
Antiepileptic Drugs – Some epileptic drugs also help prevent migraines. These drugs work by calming neurons in the brain. Neuron “hyperexcitability” causes migraines and epilepsy.
Beta Blockers – These medications are commonly used for treating high blood pressure and heart disease. While it is not sure how they help prevent migraines, improving blood flow may play a role in migraine prevention.
Antidepressants – These drugs affect the level of serotonin in the brain.
Triptans and Menstrual Migraines – Triptans are commonly used to treat sever migraine symptoms. One triptan in particular, Frova, is also helpful in preventing menstrual migraine headache. It affects serotonin levels and may help with pain in other ways.
Botox – Originally used to treat wrinkles, botox has been found effective in treating migraine headaches. It is used for people who have long term migraines at least 15 days a month, with migraines lasting four hours a day or longer. It is thought that botox inhibits the release of certain chemicals involved in the transmission of pain signals.
Changing lifestyle habits can be very helpful in preventing and reducing the number, intensity, and length of migraine headache. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help:
• Sleep – Keeping a consistent bed schedule may help prevent migraines. Going to bed and getting up at a certain time is important. Getting too much sleep or too little sleep can trigger migraines. Try to remain consistent.
• Eat regular meals – Skipping meals can trigger a migraine. Regular meals help keep a good blood sugar level. Also drink enough water because dehydration can trigger a migraine.
• Limit stress – Stress is a common trigger for migraines. Take time each day to do something that helps you relax.
• Complementary therapies – Along with prescribed medications, try some complementary therapies to help prevent migraines. Acupuncture, massage, and cognitive behavior therapy are some examples.
Migraine headaches can be prevented for many sufferers. Medications and lifestyle changes may work effectively to prevent and/or reduce migraine symptoms. Take advantage of these options so you can prevent this condition and improve you quality of life.
Tags: blurred vision, dizziness, head pain, lightheadedness, migraine symptoms, nausea, vomiting
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