It is believed that migraine headaches occur because of a disorder in the central nervous system. Migraines can cause severe pain, sensitivity to light, vision disturbances, nausea and sensitivity to noise. Some people are able to function through a migraine, but many migraine sufferers find the pain incapacitating. There are numerous types of migraines and treatment for migraines generally zones in on controlling symptoms, avoiding triggers and using preventative drugs. Unfortunately, treatment is often not completely successful, and many migraine sufferers fight lifelong battles with these severe headaches. A recent study found that an alarming twenty eight million Americans suffer from migraines. Migraine when untreated can cause a loss of time from work as well as school, and significantly reduce the quality of life for their victims. Half of those subjected to migraine attacks reported a 50% reduction in work or school productivity while 39% reported pain so intense that bed rest was required, in some cases this lasted for days at a time.
There still isn’t a known cure for migraines however prescribed medications and over the counter medicines as well as other treatments provide some pain relief. Yet many find that treating migraines in a natural way to be effective both cost-wise as well as faster in achieving relief or preventing the occurrences altogether. Always work with your physician to come up with a plan for managing your migraines. Keeping a list of home treatment methods that have worked for you in the past is also helpful.
As soon as symptoms begin you should:
• If you take a migraine medication, take it right away.
• Drink fluids, this will keep you from becoming dehydrated or if your migraine is caused by dehydration this will help to ease it; only do this though if nausea is not present.
• If at all possible lie down and rest in a dark, quiet room.
Also may possibly be helpful:
• Applying a cold cloth on your head some find useful.
• Many find rubbing or applying pressure to the spot where you feel pain helpful.
• Rub a peppermint stick (you can get this at your local drug store, it looks similar to a glue stick however it is more oval in shape than round) or peppermint oil to your temples and across your forehead- I have found that this provides some relief to even my most severest of migraines.
• Since most migraines occur or stem from stress and tension a massage or other relaxation exercises are very beneficial in managing the attacks.
• Yoga is also aids in preventing migraines that are caused by stress and tension.
Herbal remedies and aromatherapy that can help:
• Feverfew is a plant that has been used as a remedy for over a hundred of years. It is sold in many forms including capsules as well as tea.
• Butterbur is used as a preventive for migraines in addition to being used as an herbal remedy. Butterbur root is typically made into an essential oil which can be applied to the temples on the other hand butterbur is not normally made into a tea as feverfew can be. However because of the potential toxicity of butterbur, a medical doctor should be asked before use.
• Ginger is often used as an herbal remedy for migraines due to its ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to support in reducing migraine triggers that essentially cause the migraine pain. Ginger tea has been known to work exceptionally well for migraine headaches that take place near the front of the head.
• Magnesium citrate research has shown that those who suffer from recurrent migraine attacks typically have poorer magnesium levels. So therefore adding magnesium is simply a theoretic way to help diminish or reduce the migraine frequency of recurrence.
• Chamomile and Lavender essential oils combined are wonder aromatherapy ingredients that are extremely beneficial when experiencing a migraine that is caused by stress or even lack of sleep. They both have very calming properties as well as stress relieving and they are very beneficial in supporting relaxation for sleep.
• Eucalyptus essential oil is also quite helpful in supporting stress relief.
• Peppermint essential oil when rubbed on your temples aids in relieving migraine pain, as an added bonus peppermint oil also assists in combating nausea.
These are but a few in many treatments that you can perform at home which can be cost effective and provide adequate relief.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Niacin, Riboflavin, Valerian, Vitamin B2
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