Migraine pain is severe and has the power to leave a migraine patient immobile throughout the migraine duration. What most people know about migraines is that they hurt and cause limitations but what some might not know is the actual duration of a migraine and how the migraine comes about into being a painful and completely demobilizing. Discussing migraine headaches can be very educational for those who have been recently diagnosed with them and by discussing them one can decrease his or her confusion regarding migraine headaches, their development, causes and treatments.
This article will focus on educating those that need information and help regarding how he or she can lessen their migraine pain. By the end of this article the chronic migraine sufferer should know which migraine treatments have proven to be the safest and most effective treatment option. We will be discussing how a natural migraine treatment differs from a prescription based treatment plan and which treatment option is best suited for you.
What Is A Migraine?
A migraine headache is caused by an enlargement of blood vessels that creates a series of chemicals to be released and attack arteries in the brain. Once the chemicals have been released to wreak their havoc, the enlarging of the arteries begins to send painful symptoms that only magnifies until the arteries have stopped expanding or migraine relief has been found.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Migraine?
The symptoms of a migraine gradually worsen as the migraine strengthens. Symptoms might start off moderately severe such as throbbing or pounding sensations on one side of the head but the pain quickly turns into nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, blurred vision and even cognitive confusion. Symptoms of a migraine can last for several days creating debilitating moments in an individual’s life.
Treatment Options
When it comes to treating migraines there are two approaches. The first approach is the pharmaceutical approach and the second is a natural or holistic approach. Both approaches have been known to help relieve migraine pain but only one has adverse side effects. Prescription medications come in various forms such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills and new treatment known as triptans. Each prescription mentioned can create further health complications such as depression, anxiety, heart attack and even stroke. Chronic migraines are complicated enough without having to worry about or add any of the above side effects.
A natural or holistic approach is a much safer treatment option due to the lack side effects connected with their usage. Natural treatments can consist of simple therapy sessions such as acupuncture, chiropractic or therapeutic. Herbal supplements have also been known to make a huge difference in the development of a migraine, the migraine duration and the strength of a migraine. The Migraine Support Formula is a product that houses several natural herbs that have been clinically tested and proven to lessen migraine frequency. Below is a few of the herbal ingredients that can be found in the Migraine Support Formula.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 also referred to as CoQ10 is a vitamin like substance that helps generates energy in the body in the form of ATP.
One reason why triptans have been so successful in relieving migraine pain is their innate ability to attach to serotonin receptors helping aid in reducing the triggers that cause migraine pain. Ginger is 100% natural, safe and has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain. Ginger has also proven to help alleviate symptoms such as nausea and when combined with feverfew they are an effective tool against fighting off migraine symptoms.
White Willow Bark
White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins.
Valerian is a root that has been uncovered as a form of muscle relaxer. The use of Valerian is helpful in reducing stress, anxiety and even insomnia.
Butterbur is an herb that when used in a clinical study showed that within sixteen weeks of use the number of migraine attacks were reduced by half. Research from this study also concluded that the severity of migraine pain typically felt was drastically reduced.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headaches, migraine, migraine attack, migraine attacks, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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