Logging Triggers And Niacin For Migraine Relief

Man with migraineWhenever you keep a log, you give yourself the best for of accountability because you have immortalized your event and series of happening for a given day. When it concerns migraines, you should always keep a log or journal of your daily routines, scheduled events and people you meet or run into as there could be hidden triggers or unhelpful treatments that might actually be inflicting more pain and peace and your journaling can help. It will give you primary care physician the insight to prescribe a better treatment like a drug or therapy or perhaps an activity to avoid which might be instigating your migraine episode. You see, migraines can occur at any given times and can ruin your schedule and daily plans for sure. So make sure you keep a log and a notepad handy; journaling is a vital migraine treatment option.

Trigger Un-Happy

A trigger is the catalyzing factor that begins the migraine chain reaction. It normally is found in the environment of that person and is unique to that person. Not everyone has the same triggers nor does everyone experience the same symptoms of the migraine. We are all unique, just like everyone else. Now once a trigger (like sunlight, weather changes or smelling cigarette smoke) is encountered, blood vessels in the brain begin to expand and this expanding releases a chemical into the brain. This chemical will attack the arteries in the brain, cause intense pain / other symptoms and will not cease until the blood vessel return to their normal state and viscosity. Here are some of the other symptoms you might experience:

  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred Vision
  • Blindness in one eye
  • Unilateral head pain
  • Loss of motor function
  • Loss of cognitive reasoning

Lessening The Migraine By Flushing

To help lessen migraine frequencies, shorten migraine duration and minimize the discomfort levels that arise with the onset of a migraine the migraine victim must first find a migraine treatment. Finding a migraine treatment can be bothersome and ineffective if the wrong treatments keep being administered. Most migraine treatments are found by trial and error if the first few treatments do not work then the patient is forced to keep looking till he or she finds one that does. Vitamin B3 is responsible for several reactions that a body experiences. B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood sugar levels. B3 when used creates a flushing of the face and with the flushing of the face the migraine is flushed right out of the system. One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.


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  1. Sathish
    12 years ago

    If your allergies are acnitg up you may want to look into a daily allergy pill as well. Pregnant womens sinus cavaties have a tendency to swell up to 3x the normal so that may be an additional cause of the headaches. Ask your doctor if there is something else he/she can prescribe for you. I had a friend that took Darvocet for her migraines b/c they laid her out like you!Good luck! I feel your pain!

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What Our Customers Are Saying*

“My migraines are now a rare occurrence”

“This formula is a god send. My migraines are now a rare occurrence. I have been using the product for several months and have almost forgotten now how bad they used to be. I rarely have one now and when I do I can usually control it with an Excedrin migraine. I have recommended your product to everyone I know who suffers with migraines, including my doctor.”

Patricia Sperwing
Great Falls, MT

“I am blown away already with the results”

"I began taking the Migraine Support Formula as soon as it arrived. I have to say I am blown away already with the results.

After only 2 days I actually awoke without a headache brewing. Now 4 days into it I am headache free. I am amazed and so very happy to wake up without pain. I thank you and my family thanks you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Victoria Shearer
Tampa, FL

“I am thrilled that this is not a prescription”

“After suffering with migraines for years, and trying this product, instead of having 2 migraines each week, I have had only one in a month. I have seen every doctor possible to help me with my migraines and none of the medication has ever worked. I am thrilled that this is not a prescription, but supplements that are not harmful to my body and work. I have been taking it now for 2 months.”

Pamela Lawson
Tulsa OK

“I would recommend this product to any woman who suffers from migraines”

“When my menopause started, so did the frequency of my migraines. After using your product, my migraines have almost completely gone away. I only had one last month and for me this is a miracle. I would recommend this product to any woman who suffers from migraines.”

Teri Sieke
Lubbock TX

“I love this product and will never stop using it”

“After experiencing horrible migraines for most of my life, I completely gave up on my doctors and found this supplement on the internet. I starting using it 4 months ago and now they are gone. I love this product and will never stop using it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Dorothy Molt
Riverside, CA

“I am blown away already with the results”

"I began taking the Migraine Support Formula as soon as it arrived. I have to say I am blown away already with the results.

After only 2 days I actually awoke without a headache brewing. Now 4 days into it I am headache free. I am amazed and so very happy to wake up without pain. I thank you and my family thanks you!"

Victoria Shearer
Tampa, FL

“I am amazed at my results”

“I have had migraines since the age of 5. I have seen many doctors over the years and tried everything that they have prescribed. Nothing has ever worked. I have now been taking your product for 5 months and my headaches are gone. I don’t know how you did it, but you have really found a winner. I am amazed at my results.”

John Whitmore
Waterbury, CT

“After using your product, for a little over a month, my migraines disappeared”

“My mother, my sister and I have always suffered from migraines. After using your product, for a little over a month, my migraines disappeared. I have ordered bottles for both my mom and sister and will have them start on the product as soon as it arrives. Thanks for your wonderful product.”

Suzanne Bradford
Wichita, KS

*Results vary. Migraine headaches have many causes and not everyone will see results using Migraine Support Formula. All of our testimonials are from real customers who saw results but your results can vary depending on many different factors.

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