Migraines go through various stages during their course and with each migraine stage the pain worsens and intensifies. Each migraine stages has hidden symptoms and once the symptoms are revealed and brought to light than an effective treatment plan can be put into play and the amount of migraine outbreaks decreased. At the first sign of a migraine, the migraine victim needs to step back, evaluate which stage this is, symptoms and if treatment would be effective at this point in the game. As a migraine progresses, the less effective treatment will be that is why it is imperative that a treatment be sought and implemented as soon as possible.
The first stage of a migraine is where treatment should be implemented, however the first stage is often missed due to the symptoms associated with the first stage that can be so easily explained away. The preemptive warning signs that alert a migraine victim that a miserable few days are on their way can be explained away by several outside factors such as fatigue, hormones and an uncomfortable bed when in fact the signs are hints that a migraine attack is on the brink of breaking through.
Prodrome Stage is the first migraine stage and serves as an alert to migraine sufferers. The symptoms in the first stage encompass fatigue, depression and food cravings. The first stage is the most effective time to implement a migraine medication this stage precedes any head pain and develops several days before any actual migraine pain.
The second stage is known as the aura stage and not every migraine victim experiences it. The symptoms of this second stage affect the patient’s ability to see straight. Symptoms include the following:
- Blurred Vision
- Dizziness
- Black Spots Behind The Eyes
- Blurry Images
The aura stage is unique in that once the symptoms develop the migraine sufferer has only a few hours before the worse of the migraine begin.
The headache stage is the climax of the migraine. It is during this third stage that the migraine symptoms reach an ultimate level of pain and misery. Symptoms of the third stage would involve nausea, vomiting, constipation and the popular throbbing and pounding sensations.
The final stage of a migraine is the Postdrome stage. The Postdrome stage causes several lingering side effects such as mild head pain and muscle weakness.
Tags: blurred vision, dizziness, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine attack, migraine stages, Migraine Support Formula, Natural Ingredients, neurological condition, Prescription medication, symptoms, Throbbing, Triptans
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