Keeping a diary or journal may not be your thing, yet when it comes to tracking down the migraine trigger that affects you, logging your daily routine can be helpful. You see, migraine trigger can come out from anywhere and are usually environmental or physiological in nature. Here are some of those pesky triggers: bright lights, smells like perfumes or body odor, cigarette smoke, alcohol, weather changes, humidity, loud noises, caffeine, certain foods, stress, fatigue, hunger and even neck tension. These pop-up triggers should be avoided if at all possible, yet many times they can’t be as everyone has responsibilities that supersede such abilities. Therefore, you must use a migraine treatment to handle the symptoms a migraine puts out. The two pendulum swings of the treatment gamut are prescription medications and the Migraine Support Formula.
Prescription Medications
Triptans and Ergots are the primary choice drugs for most physicians treating migraine headaches. These drugs are used because they constrict the blood vessels in the brain from expanding, thus stopping the migraine from starting. Unfortunately, they also constrict every other blood vessel as well in their attempt to lower blood pressure. Triptans and Ergots were originally designed to treat high blood pressure, not migraines. Therefore, the side effects that can arise from normal blood pressure vessels being constricted are stroke, heart attack or even death. Is it worth it to pop a pill and have a potential heart attack? I say no but you have to determine this on your own. I would consult with your doctor to decide if prescription meds is the avenue for you. Ergots are especially dangerous as they constrict the blood vessels in and around the heart.
Migraine Support Formula
This is the only migraine treatment option that doesn’t have any side effects. It is comprised of a precise combination of all-natural vitamins, herbs and minerals to help minimize the intensity and frequency of the migraine attacks and symptoms. From all over the world, ingredients and amounts have been added to secure the right potency for the effective prophylaxis of migraine headaches. Here are some of the ingredients: Valerian Root, White Willow Bark Extract, Ginger, Feverfew, Magnesium Citrate, Pyridoxine and a few others.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, Feverfew, headache, herbal supplements, Magnesium Citrate, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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