Everyone who has migraine headaches or who knows a loved one or dear friend who sufferers from migraine headaches most likely thinks that migraine headaches are just migraine headaches. However, that assumption would be incorrect. Not everyone who experiences migraine headaches will experience the same exact symptoms, amount of pain, or duration of incidences of migraine headaches. In fact, research shows that there can be at least 10 different types of migraine headaches.
Ten Types of Migraine Headaches
1. Silent Migraines – (also known as Acephalgic) occur with no actual head pain but instead occur with other symptoms.
2. Abdominal Migraine – is most commonly experienced by children, although adults have been known to have them as well. Abdominal migraines present with symptoms of vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain.
3. Basilar-Type Migraine – these forms of migraine are marked by an aura which is produced from the sufferer’s brain stem. These migraine sufferers can experience temporary blindness or even decreased levels of consciousness.
4. Hemiplegic Migraine – is a rare form of migraine that when occurring will mimic a stroke, epilepsy or other neurological condition. This type of migraine can create residual limb weakness after an attack.
5. Migraine with Aura – (also known as the “classic migraine”) occurs as a genetic neurological condition which is marked by severe head pain, as well as other symptoms such as visual, speech or sensory issues.
6. Migraine without Aura – (also known as the “common migraine”) which occurs when migraine headaches take place on one side of the head and are pulsating or throbbing in nature.
7. Ocular Migraine – (also known as optical or ophthalmic migraine) is a type that is still being researched but is thought to be a part of or a symptom of the Acephalgic type migraine which affects a person’s vision. Individuals who suffer from these forms of migraine often report visual disturbances ranging anywhere from mild to severe.
8. Retinal Migraine – is another migraine characterized by visual disturbances which occur in only one eye. Retinal migraine sufferers suffer from symptoms of flashing lights, temporary blindness, as well as visual disturbances.
9. Status Migraine – is a migraine occurrence that takes place for 72 hours or longer. Individuals who suffer from migraine headaches that occur with symptoms lasting longer than 72 hours should seek immediate medical care in order to avoid the chance of stroke, coma, or even death.
10. Transformed Migraine – are attacks that can become increasingly frequent. These types of migraines are daily attacks that can vary in intensity from mild to severe.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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