While migraine headaches are commonly thought of as painful and intense headaches, they can also be painless, temporary visual disturbances in one or both eyes. These are called ocular migraine headaches. While they can be more frightening than a typical migraine headache, they are usually harmless and resolve themselves in less than 30 minutes. Ocular migraine headaches can also be called ophthalmic migraines, retinal migraines and eye migraines.
While it is difficult to describe an ocular migraine headache, it is similar in nature to an aura. The only true way to know if a sufferer is having a classic migraine or an ocular migraine is if the intense throbbing follows the visual disturbance.
Ocular migraine headache symptoms
People who suffer with ocular migraine headaches can have a variety of visual symptoms. Visual symptoms typically change from sufferer to sufferer, but many times they can be similar. Sufferers can see a small, enlarging blind spot, or a scotoma. This spot occurs in their central vision with bright, flashing or flickering lights. It can also occur with wavy or zigzag lines surrounding the blind spot. The blind spot usually becomes larger and can move across their field of vision. This process can take place over just a few moments, but typically it can last up to 30 minutes.
Preventing ocular migraine headaches is near impossible. However, some sufferers find in helpful to keep a daily journal to discover treatments. This journal can be very helpful if it includes the sufferer’s daily diet and activities.
Ocular migraine headaches typically require no treatment since they usually are harmless and resolve on their own in a short time. If a sufferer is driving or performing a task that requires optimal vision when an ocular migraine headache begins, it is important that they stop what they are doing and relax until their vision returns to normal.
It is suggested that those who suffer from ocular migraine headaches see their ophthalmologist to have an eye exam regularly. Also, if symptoms or visual disturbances changes, an appointment needs to be made immediately. This appointment will be used to rule out conditions like a detached retina and other conditions that could threaten the sufferer’s sight.
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, Ocular Migraine, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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