Evidence has shown that every individual will experience pain thresholds on different levels, and each migraine sufferer will have their own set of warning signs, triggers, and symptoms that accompany their specific migraine attacks. This is perhaps sometimes why those “one for all” prescription medications do not work, not to mention the myriad of negative side effects that often comes as a package deal when trying to treat a migraine with them. But what if there were some all natural ingredients, or herbal remedies that could be personally tailored to each migraine sufferer to aid in both prevention and lessening of migraines and their symptoms. The good news is there is! And even better news is that many studies have been completed that show these ingredients can not only help with the pain of migraines but they are both effective and good for the body without all those nasty side effects that prescription medications can have.
Common Herbal Remedies
It is important to understand that just like the triggers and warning signs are different for individuals each herb may work differently. Migraine sufferers shouldn’t be afraid of a little trial and error in order to find the best personalized migraine treatment option, however careful consideration should be made especially if any medications are being taken for other conditions as there is a possibility of interactions. Supervision under a clinical physician is always recommended. Many studies have been completed using the following natural ingredients and herbal remedies as successful and beneficial migraine treatment options:
- Feverfew – Is known for its natural ability to obstruct the release of blood vessels dilating substances from the platelets that create migraine pain. Research has also shown that feverfew can help to reduce vomiting in a person suffering from a migraine as well as decrease the severity of the attack.
- Ginko Biloba – Is known for improviung circulation to both the body and the brain. It also hinders platelet aggregation. Studies have shown that the use of this herb for treatment for migraine treatment will actually drastically reduce the number of attacks experienced over the course of time.
- Butterbur – Research has shown that the use of Butterbur for migraine treatment can drastically reduce the pain and severity felt by the individual, and that after continued use many individuals noted that their migraine attacks were reduced by as much as half.
- Ginger – Has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors in order to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain. It also helps to relieve nausea in a person experiencing a migraine attack.
- Valerian – Is known to be a muscle relaxer. Valerian us useful in reducing stress, anxiety, and even insomnia which are common triggers to migraine sufferers.
Tags: Butterbur, Feverfew, Ginger, headache, herbal, herbal remedies, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, treating migraines
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