There are several ways that chronic migraine patient can approach treating migraine pain. The most common form of migraine treatment would probably be through the use of prescription medication. For decades, very little has been known about migraines and different migraine treatment plans but now that has changed and more information regarding the side effects of prescription medications have led researchers and scientist to find new methods of treatment.
Medical professionals have had to face reality and admit to their migraine patients that there is very little they can do to help ease their chronic migraine pain. The prescribing of antiseizure medications and antidepressants were not helping relieve migraine effectively, therefore something stronger more effective was needed. The lack of help available to migraine patients led to the discovery of several herbal ingredients that through a series of clinical tests and studies proved to be an effective form of migraine treatment.
Treating migraine symptoms and migraine headaches with herbs and vitamins are a safe solution for individuals whose body may not respond well to prescription medications. Prescription medications come with warning labels and possible side effects that could create further health complications. For those who do not want to risk their health herbal remedies such as the ones mentioned in this article are a safe alternative.
Specific Herbs Used For Treating Migraines
Dedication and determination led a group of researchers, scientist and medical professionals to seek out a natural effective migraine treatment. Their research led to several herbs that when combined prove to be a powerful migraine fighting formula. The Migraine Support Formula is an all-natural formula that has rocked the world of migraine treatments and has proven to lessen migraine frequencies as well as shorten migraine duration. The following ingredients are just a few of the herbs that can be found in the Migraine Support formula.
Ginger, unlike Triptans (a leading prescription medication for the treating of migraines), is 100% natural, safe and has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain.
When tested on migraine patients, this herb proved that within sixteen weeks of usage the number of migraine frequencies was drastically reduced to almost half.
Magnesium Citrate
Research has shown that those who suffer with chronic migraines have lower magnesium levels than those who do not suffer from chronic migraines. By adding magnesium citrate into ones daily diet can help reduce migraine occurrences.
Migraines develop when blood vessels in the brain expand; feverfew has the natural ability to obstruct the release of blood vessels preventing them from expanding without causing bodily harm.
White Willow Bark Extract
The bark of the white willow has proven to help ease pain and inflammation that are often associated with migraine headaches.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, herbal, inflammation, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, Natural Ingredients, natural migraine treatment, natural treatment
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13 years ago
I went to see a neurologist lipceasist for my migraines. I take a pill every day (wasn’t thrilled at first, but it totally helps). I also have a pain pill for them when they get bad. I did have one that was really bad. I took a pain pill and it didn’t do anything. I was in bed all day and literally had to crawl to the bathroom and on the way back only made it to the corner of the bed. A friend, who gets bad migraines, suggested taking a warm bath and putting an ice pack on your neck, drink mountain dew, take excedrine migraine (which never helped me before until this point), take some ib profein, and just relax in the tub. I wasn’t sure it was going to help at all, but I was desperate. It worked great. I don’t know if that because I took my pain pill rather than the ib profein or what, but I felt a lot better. If you are having migraines that often and for that long you need to go in and see a neurologist. I used to have them for weeks on end, but don’t any more.I hope this helps you some and I am praying that your migraine goes away soon. I know how awful they are!