Everyone develops habits during their lifetime and sometimes these habits can affect health. For example, smoking is a habit-forming practice that definitely has adverse effects to your health. But for the smoker, it is difficult to quit because of the addiction to nicotine. The same thing goes for many of the habits people form over time. Some habits are good for us and others will damage our systems if we continue to practice them.
For those who suffer from migraine headaches, it is very important to control the triggers that cause the migraine in order to get control over these debilitating headaches. Some of these triggers are habits that have been formed through the years that need to be broken in order to gain relief from migraines. Here are some of the most common habits that influence migraine headache. Keep in mind that they may not be triggers for everyone but many patients indicate that these habits can make their migraines more frequent and severe.
Regulate Your Time
Some people live sporadic live. They have no schedule and no regulating factors in their daily regimen. For migraine sufferers, this can be a habit that will take you down. Migraines seem to like unpredictability and events to trigger them. The solution is to try to maintain a stable, almost boring regimen. Regulation seems to help with migraine frequency. In other words, keep a schedule. Go to sleep and wake up at regular times, but don’t get too much sleep. Try to stay on a regular daily schedule. If you have to break the schedule, for example, by flying across several time zones, prepare for that jet lag accordingly so you won’t have a migraine episode.
Keep Your Energy Level Up
Skipped meals and dehydration are two facts of the hurry-scurry life pattern of many people. They become habits of mal-nourishment. If you skip meals and don’t drink enough water, you are just asking for a migraine headache. Also, meals that are sugar rushes are another way to plummet your energy levels to a migraine. For an easy solution, try keeping a water bottle with you and an energy snack; even an apple and some nuts or cheese is a good revitalizing snack.
You Are What You Eat
There is a lot of truth in that statement. Garbage in, garbage out is another way of stating the same concept. There are many triggers in foods that will cause migraines. In many ways, these foods are habits that may need reforming. One migraine trigger that most people love and have a hard time staying away from is chocolate. Experts have also found that triggers are dose dependent. The more you eat of the trigger food, the more likely the migraine headache.
Another food that seems to be a trigger for many people is aged cheese. This culprit has a chemical, tyramine, which appears naturally during the aging process. It also occurs in smoked, aged, and cured meats. If you have to have that processed ham and cheese sandwich, watch out!
Caffeine is also a trigger for migraine headaches. Of course, some people use caffeine to get rid of a headache. This works for them because they are actually addicted to the caffeine and need it in order to escape the “withdrawal” headache that follows if they skip caffeine for that day. However, if you take in too much caffeine, it will actually backfire on you and give you what is called a “rebound” headache. So watch the caffeine!
Alcoholic beverages can be migraine triggers because they contain the same chemical, tyramine. If you want to have a little drink, it is better to have a mixed drink than it is to have a beer or a glass of wine. These latter two have more tyramine in them than a mixed drink.
Finally, artificial sweeteners can be migraine triggers. It’s better to have sugar than those other sweeteners if you suffer or are prone to migraines.
Stay Exercised
Exercise is a two-edged sword for migraine sufferers. While it is a good habit to form and can be beneficial for people, over-exertion or too much too soon can also give a migraine headache. Therefore, exercise moderately and if you have never exercised before, consult your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen.
Reduce Stress
Stress plays a big role in migraine headaches. It is a lifestyle habit that needs correcting in most people, especially those who suffer from migraines. To reduce stress, try some techniques like biofeedback or even massage to relax. Another way to reduce stress is to do something you love. Whether it is a walk in nature, painting, or just reading a favorite book, taking time for you will help reduce a stressful lifestyle.
Habits can hinder or help you. Many can be part of your migraine problem or solution. Finding the right habits to form is crucial to relieve migraine symptoms.
Tags: chronic condition, difficulty sleeping, head pain, living with migraines, migraine attack, Migraines, severe pain, tender spots
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