When suffering with migraines, you have to inevitably come to the realization that you can’t avoid the issues or the symptoms at hand and the migraine condition isn’t leaving any time soon without some targeted, focused, non-passive treatment. You see, these vascular headaches affect millions of Americans each year and is actually the number one reason for people missing work due to a sickness. Yet migraines are not a sickness, as most sicknesses can be stopped. Vascular headaches or migraines cannot be stopped, only treated and that can be iffy at best if you don’t know the ramifications of every treatment option available to the end consumer. When you do, you will find that many treatment options that are recommended but medical professionals really come with more side effects that treatment possibilities, like prescriptions drugs. None of the prescription drugs, like Triptans and Ergots, were ever designed for the prophylaxis of migraine headaches. So what now?
Pinch, Poke, Needle
In the case of migraine treatment, acupuncture, which is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the insertion of very fine needles into certain points of the body, can be very effective. It is important that a properly trained person administer this type of therapy, but the good news is that with pain associated with migraines the effects can last for months, and studies have shown that acupuncture is useful as an additional management or acceptable alternative in regards to pain management.
Caution Signs Should Make You Yield
The warning sides that tell if a migraine is on the verge of breaking through may be overlooked or explained away, however if these warning signs are noted and charted migraines can be stopped before they get started. Sleepiness is often explained away by an overactive brain, bed discomfort and a million other reasons but drowsiness is a sign that a migraine might be in the near future. Sudden irritability or changes in mood can often be chalked away as not having had a good night’s rest, be cautious of overlooking unexplained irritability. Here are a few of the other red flags to be on the lookout for:
• Fatigue
• Bouts of depression
• Obsessive yawning
• Cravings for foods high in sugar of lathered in salt
• Irregular urination patterns
• Anxiety
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
Herbal Supplements To The Rescue
The uses of herbal supplements such as Ginger, Feverfew, Magnesium Citrate, Butterbur and Gingko Biloba have been known to have a profound effect on the frequency of migraine outbreaks. The reason that migraine sufferers find success through herbal supplements has to do with the way the body reacts and responds to a natural substance being digested into the body verses foreign substances such as prescription medications.
Tags: Acupuncture, Biofeedback, chiropractic care, herbal supplements, Massage Therapy, migraine treatment, natural treatment
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