Studies have demonstrated that almost 40% of migraine sufferers will go through certain physical symptoms before an actual migraine attack occurs, however it is also imperative that individuals that tend to get migraines and who are seeking for a migraine treatment know there are also many before hand warning signs that occur before a full blown migraine takes effect. Because most individuals who experience migraines will have them on a somewhat normal basis, it is important for them to understand the common warning signs that may occur before the migraine hits and if possible keep a notation of any symptoms they may experience before attacks take place so that preventative migraine treatment measure may be taken in the future.
Common Warning Signs
The most ordinary warning signs that take place before a migraine happens might in fact be disregarded by most migraine sufferers. However, for one searching for a migraine treatment, people should be knowledgeable of these and take note of when they occur to that hopefully a migraine can be stopped before it begins, or in the very least be able to lessen the symptoms of a normal full blown attack.
• Fatigue in general
• Bouts of Depression
• Sleepiness – is often explained away by a number of reasons within normal individuals, however, for migraine sufferers sleepiness or drowsiness should be notated because it is often a warning sign that a migraine could take place.
• Obsessive Yawning
• Mood – changes to mood, or sudden irritability are another warning sign of a possible migraine attack.
• Cravings for Foods – especially those high in sugar or salt.
Alternative Options
Until recently, most people had no secondary option when it had come to migraine treatment and prescription pills were the wham-bam for almost every individual and prescribing primary physician. However, today migraine victims have many more alternative options that should be carefully weighed as legitimate and beneficial migraine treatment options. Some of the most common alternative migraine treatment options are the use of therapies such as massage, chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture and biofeedback. Another migraine treatment option that should be carefully weighed is the use of Supplements such as 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba and even the Complex B-vitamin Riboflavin or B2. These and more are found in the Migraine Support Formula which is a safe and effective way to aid in the prophylaxis of the migraine condition.
Tags: Drowsiness, migraine headache, migraine symptoms, migraine triggers, migraine warnings, Mood Swings, preemptinve warning sign
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