People, who have to live life with the chronic condition known as vascular headaches, must take caution to not do all things or go all places all of the time as well as they must take care of themselves. If they are not, they could run into a trigger which can obviously ruin their day since triggers catalyze the migraine process. Sleep depravity is a very powerful migraine trigger. Most people don’t have to worry about losing a few hours of sleep each night; in fact, most only get about 5-6 hours of sleep anyways. Yet for the migraine patient, they must get all of their sleep if they are prone to sleep triggered migraines. You see, every migraine is started when the sufferer encountered a trigger.
The Others Triggers One Might Experience
Caffeine – Often used to help improve energy levels can have the reverse effect on headache prone people. Caffeine in small doses may have little effect on migraine sufferers but if overindulgence is had one can expect regular migraines.
Hormones – For women who experience migraines once a month around the time of their menstrual may be aware of menstrual migraines and how they can affect functionality. Some women during their monthly cycle lose estrogen and the loss of estrogen sets off a chemical imbalance and the result is a migraine.
Smells – Cigarette smoke
o Aged cheese
o Chocolate
Lighting – Lighting has been known to enhance mood and is often used as a mood enhancer however, flashing, bright high intensity and visually stimulating light sources
Alcohol – Tyramine is a chemical found in wine that has been proven to activate a migraine quicker than if no alcohol was used.
Fasting – Caution should always be had when headache prone individuals take to fasting. A lack of nutrients to the body can reduce blood sugar levels setting off a series of stress-related hormones.
Changes In One’s Life Can Lessen Migraine Pain
Men and women who suffer from moderate to intense migraine pain need to take a few practical steps to help reduce their migraine occurrences. By simply making a few changes to their normal routine, men and women will notice fewer migraine attacks during a single month. If only treating a migraine attack was as simple as the above below seem to be; the truth is not every migraine attack can be easily pacified by changing a few areas of one’s life. There are those migraine sufferers that require more intense long term treatments. Some simple steps to reducing migraine headaches are, even though they are not a cure-all:
A set scheduled time for going to bed and waking each morning.
Having a daily exercise regime – exercise has proven to help improve quality of life for individuals suffering from various conditions from diabetes to migraine headaches. Individuals who are not physically fit are more prone to migraine attacks.
Avoid skipping meals and long bouts of fasting.
Avoid stress (if possible) – exercise can help release negative endorphins and research has proven that daily exercise can help improve mood and improve clarity of thought.
Refrain from overuse of caffeine do not consume more than two caffeinated beverages in a given day.
Bright and flashing lights are often associated with migraines therefore keep protective eyewear on hand and avoid places with flashing lights.
The Natural Alternative To Avoiding Triggers
The Migraine Support Formula is packed full of natural ingredients with the sole purpose of healing, this formula is backed with solid clinical studies and is currently aiding men and women with finding long lasting permanent migraine relief. This formula contains only the natural ingredients that have shown through clinical studies to be the most effective in treating migraine symptoms. The natural ingredients found in the Migraine support Formula are:
Water-soluble Riboflavin
Butterbur – Butterbur is an herb that when used in a clinical study showed that within sixteen weeks of use the numbers of migraine attacks were reduced by half. Research from this study also concluded that the severity of migraine pain typically felt was drastically reduced.
5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Ginkgo Biloba
White Willow Bark – White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins.
Magnesium Citrate
Coenzyme Q10
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Tags: Acupuncture, Alternative treatment, chiropractic care, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine releif, Migraine Support Formula, supplements
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