There is so much about our bodies that we may be unfamiliar with that we do not stop to think how simple some treatment options can be when we are suffering with chronic pain. In regards to migraine headaches, nine out of ten Americans struggle with some level of migraine pain. There are many migraine sufferers that don’t think about migraine treatment at all and truly believe that the only form of migraine treatment that exist is to just hide away and wait it out – so not true.
Then there are other chronic migraines patients that believe wholeheartedly in the use or prescription medications to treat their migraine pain and migraine symptoms. This group makes up the majority; however, they too have a wrong view of migraines and migraine treatment. For decades medical professionals had very few migraine treatment options being forced to treat their patients with medications such as antidepressants, antiseizure medication and blood pressure pills until the discovery of triptans. Triptans are used as a preventative migraine treatment and has proven to work from some migraine sufferers; however, the downside to the use of a medication such as triptans is the fact that triptans can cause strokes, heart attacks and other organ failure.
There Has To Be Something
No need to lose heart, there are several options that migraine patients have in helping ease their migraine pain and migraine symptoms. Taking a holistic approach to treating migraines is a healthy alternative to prescription medications and triptans. Often when we think of treatment, our first thoughts go toward some type of medication, but this does not have to be the case when seeking a migraine treatment plan. Unconventional as it may seem, the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture is a popular form of migraine treatment.
Chiropractic adjustments or manipulations are another holistic non-pharmaceutical approach to treating migraine headaches. Spinal manipulation is an effective method for helping relieve the tension and muscle stiffness that occurs in the back and neck as the bod tenses due to migraine pain. Simple misalignments along the vertebra can cause nerve aggravation and the onset of a migraine. Speak with your primary physician and chiropractic about the use of chiropractic manipulations and adjustments in helping relieve your chronic migraine pain.
Tags: chiropractic adjustments, chiropractic manipulation, Chronic migraine, Ginger, headache, herbal remedies, Magnesium, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief
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