Migraine treatments can be a maze of many different options and ways to rid yourself from the agonizing effects of the migraine symptoms. Most migraine patients choose the ever popular prescription medications which do have an effect of your migraine symptoms but they also bring with them some frustrating side effects which are unneeded and unwanted. I recommend using a more natural or holistic approach to your migraine treatment. This will allow you to minimize the symptoms and occurrences of your migraine episodes as well as keep you safe from things going from bad to worse. These natural treatments could range from acupuncture to chiropractic medicine. One of the most relaxing ways to stop your migraine through treatment is to get a therapeutic massage done by a professional. It must be done by a professional or you intensify the migraine symptoms further than you would like. Neck and back tension is a common symptom of migraines and even could be the cause of the condition for some people.
How A Migraine Starts
Triggers are the catalyzing force which initiates the migraine to occur. Once someone has encountered an environmental trigger, blood vessels in the brain begin to expand and enlarge causing a chemical to be released. Attacking the arteries in the brain, this chemical causes the intense and immense pain that most migraine sufferers experience. The symptoms of a migraine are overwhelming and will not end until all is put right again and the blood vessels stop expanding. Triggers are tricky things; they seem harmless enough but they cause and over-board sense of reality. Here are some of the triggers known and recorded by some individuals:
v Weather changes
v Lack of sleep
v Hunger
v Neck and back tension
v Humidity
v Certain foods
v Caffeine
v Smells like body odor or perfumes
v Loud and uncomfortable noises
Migraine treatments are the only way you can receive relief from the migraine onslaught. They can’t always prevent the migraine from taking place but they can eliminate many of the symptoms that a migraine causes. Consult with your doctor as to which of the migraine treatment options will be the right one for you. However, if you want the best natural treatment option with the least amount of side effects, then you would choose the Migraine Support Formula.
Reducing Pain Through Natural Means
Reducing migraine headaches by way of natural treatments is not only safer it has proven to be even more effective than the use of prescription medications. Why? Herbal remedies or herbal supplements are easier on the body and the body’s digestive tract. When taking herbal supplements such as Ginger, Feverfew or Magnesium the body does not react negatively therefore making them more effective. Studies have shown that herbal supplements when used separately can be effective on their own but when used together they can have an even more profound response to migraine pain. One Formula known as the Migraine Support Formula combines several different herbs together to create a migraine fighting formula. The ingredients used in the Migraine Support Formula are not only powerful they are effective the following is a list of the natural ingredients found in the migraine Support Formula.
ü Ginger – This root is more commonly found in Southeast Asia and is sold in most open-markets throughout the region. Ginger helps aid in digestion and can calm nausea / vomiting. It is manufactured commonly in ginger beer, ginger snaps and of course, ginger ale.
ü Feverfew – This daisy look-alike has been used for years to help reduce, you guessed it, fevers and helps decrease inflammation.
ü Magnesium Citrate – It is a compound which by itself is a great aid in stopping, or shall I say “unstopping,” issues of constipation. However, with its combining of Riboflavin and Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate packs a powerful punch toward minimizing the intensity and frequency of migraine headaches.
ü Riboflavin – Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2 and is helpful in relieving migraine pain because B2 is as crucial component in helping tissue respiration and the generation of energy metabolism from proteins, carbs and fats.
ü Coenzyme Q10 – Oxidation is the process of which healthy cells deteriorate and become unproductive in their given traits. Q10 helps against ailments because it is a strong antioxidant. Without oxidizing, illness, such as migraines, is harder to develop in most individuals.
ü Valerian
ü Gingko Biloba
Tags: aura, cause of migraines, enlarged blood vessels, genetics, Hormonal, menstration, migraine, migraine triggers, stress, Weather
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