Are you a fan of crazy facts? My husband and I get a kick out of crazy stories or facts that are so off the wall that you doubt their credibility. I am not sure what out fascination with odd facts are but we are the couple that finds the Guinness World Book Of Records a must read. The world is such a large and fascinating place full of different people groups with their own ideas, culture and medicinal practices that it is hard to not read up on them.
Other cultures and their medicinal practices have had a huge impact on western medicine. In fact, the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture is still a popular form of treatment used today in our culture. Theories as well as studies have shown that the practice of acupuncture can help treat several chronic conditions such as neuropathy and chronic migraines. It may seem crazy, inhumane and somewhat absurd to place hundreds of little needles all over the body just to receive relief; for most, this practice would seem painful rather than helpful. The point is that there are several different treatment options that might not seem traditional or the norm that are worth looking into; acupuncture is only one of them.
Alternative Treatments
Alternative migraine treatments are treatments that differ from traditional treatments such as prescription medications. Prescription medications has a place in the medical world and has proven to be helpful with reliving migraine headaches, however not every migraine patient enjoys the way medications makes them feel so they desire a different option. Most alternative migraine treatments are not one’s discussed and thought of; they are natural approaches to migraine prevention and migraine treatment.
Chiropractic Care
A trip to the chiropractor for an adjustment might be all that is needed for migraine relief. Migraines can be brought on by a spinal misalignment so a quick adjustment can make the migraine go away.
Massage Therapy
Stress is a migraine trigger and massage is a stress reliever. Who doesn’t love an excuse for a massage anyway?
Herbal Supplements
Herbal supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula can help lessen migraine frequency. The Migraine Support Formula is packed full of ingredients such as: Ginger, Feverfew, Magnesium Citrate, Butterbur, Riboflavin and Gingko Biloba.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, herbal, herbal remedies, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, Prescription medication
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