Time for a change? It is so easy to stick with what we know and what we feel is comfortable, but is your comfort causing you further complications and health risks? Those who live with chronic migraines and need a migraine treatment might find his or herself falling into the prescription medication trap. It is so easy to just agree to the usage of prescription medications without taking time to consider what long-term effect this treatment approach. The pain associated with a migraine headache is so intense that a person becomes increasingly sensitive to light and sound which in return leaves them unable to function in an environment where light and noise are common occurrences. The increased sensitivity to light and sound makes it a challenge for one suffering from a migraine headache to function in their workplace effectively, when all they desire is a nice quiet dark place to lie down until the throbbing stops and sanity returns.
A persons need to escape to a dark and quiet place while being inflicted with a migraine headache could be due to the sympathetic nervous system in the body being activated. The desires, feelings that come naturally to humans as part of their natural way of dealing or coping with stress and pain is often associated with one’s sympathetic nervous system. Once the sympathetic nervous system has been activated, symptoms begin to develop that hinder one’s functionality at home and work.
A migraine headache is more than just an excuse to get out of responsibilities for a day, migraine headaches are in truth a chronic neurological disorder. A migraine headache is caused by an enlargement of blood vessels that creates a series of chemicals to be released and attack arteries in the brain. Once the chemicals have been released to wreak their havoc, the enlarging of the arteries begins to send painful symptoms that only magnifies until the arteries have stopped expanding or migraine relief has been found.
Why Prescriptions?
It is important that migraines sufferers realize that medication prescribed for migraine relief is not a cure for migraine headaches themselves but are used for one of two purposes:
- Relieve Symptoms
- Prevent Attacks
A relief of migraine symptoms can be found by the use of one of the over the counter medicines we have already mentioned earlier in this book and was briefly touched on in the paragraph above. Keep in mind that no prescription medication can prevent a migraine 100% but there are those prescription medications available that can help reduce the number of migraine attacks experienced as well as lessen the level of pain felt by the migraine sufferer. A few of the medication that a doctor might prescribe to assist with lessening the occurrence of migraines would be:
- Anti-depressants
- Anti-Seizure Medication
- Blood Pressure Medication
- Triptans
For those looking for a safer more natural approach to treating migraine headaches pay close attention to the following bullet points.
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Physiotherapy
- Massage Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Migraine Support Formula
Massage Therapy
The two main symptoms that are presented by the condition of Migraine are fatigue and pain. Massage therapy can aid in lessening both of these symptoms by helping the Migraine suffer to be able to experience less pain, obtain more sleep, and also to help relax some of the tightened and stiff muscles that can contribute to much of the pain. Research has proven that the use of massage therapy as a form of Migraine treatment can help Migraine sufferers experience deeper levels of sleep and lessen levels of pain and fatigue. The way that massage therapy accomplishes this is by using the different forms of massage to help oxygenate the body as a whole which can decrease the severity of symptoms that a Migraine sufferer will experience.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care regularly falls within the category of alternative treatment; however it is becoming much more accepted by both the mainstream medical community as well as an acceptable form of Migraine treatment. The main determination behind the concept of chiropractic care is to aid in lessening symptoms of pain and other issues by correcting any imbalances in the skeletal configuration. The forms of adjustment of the skeletal structure are made through techniques such as stretches, adjustments, as well as manipulations where the imbalance can be restored and results in lessening of symptoms.
Tags: chronic condition, difficulty sleeping, head pain, living with migraines, migraine attack, Migraines, severe pain, tender spots
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