Prescription medications can be used to help ease the pain and discomfort that are so closely connected to chronic migraines. When medicines such as: Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Aleve and Ibuprofen no longer has any positive effect on the intense migraine pain being felt the need for prescription medication might be.
It is important that migraines sufferers realize that medication prescribed for migraine relief is not a cure for migraine headaches themselves but are used for one of two purposes:
1. Relieve Symptoms
2. Prevent Attacks
A relief of migraine symptoms can be found by the use of one of the over the counter medicines but there are those cases when over the counter medications do not work and something stronger is needed. Keep in mind that no prescription medication can prevent a migraine 100% but there are those prescription medications available that can help reduce the number of migraine attacks experienced as well as lessen the level of pain felt by the migraine sufferer. Prescription medication should be one of the last treatments tried in helping relieve migraine headaches; however, until recent years, migraine sufferers had very few options in relieving their migraine pain. New prescription medication called triptans is now available on the market and is geared toward relieving migraine pressure. Triptans have two important abilities:
1. They are able to constrict blood vessels.
2. They create an upset in the process which leads into a migraine by disturbing the sequence of chemicals that inflict pain or irritation to the nerves.
Finding a natural way to treat migraine headaches is a safer and healthier alternative than prescription medication. Prescription medication can be addictive and have a negative physiological effect on other parts of the body that could ultimately shorten one’s life expectancy.
Natural Migraine Treatment Options To Replace Medications
There are options for treating migraine symptoms that do not include the use of medications and these options can in fact provide successful and beneficial migraine symptoms relief. These options include the use of chiropractic care, massage therapy, acupuncture, supplements, herbal remedies, as well as lifestyle changes.
• Chiropractic Care or spinal manipulation therapy is a proven method for providing relief from migraine symptoms. Studies have shown that in the case of migraine and/or tension headaches chiropractic care can be as effective as preventative medications in aiding to ward off the onset of migraine attacks.
• Massage therapy can be a useful form of relief from migraine symptoms. Massage therapy accomplishes this by using specific techniques and treatment in order to relax the tight muscles around the head, neck, shoulders, and upper back that may lead to causing migraines. When a trained therapist performs these massage techniqes this leads to increased blood flow and oxygenation of the muscles which leads to providing relief of the muscle tension. Additionally, research has shown that both massage therapy and chiropractic care can work together to provide even greater results, especially if the massage is used before the chiropractic treatment.
• Acupuncture is also considered a successful, yet alternative, form of treatment for migraine symptoms. Research has shown that the pain relief that is acquired from acupuncture can be as useful as additional management techniques and can be a beneficial alternative for pain management in regards to migraine symptoms.
• Biofeedback is another alternative option for the treatment of migraine symptoms. Although, before completely writing this form of therapy off, individuals should be aware that research has shown that biofeedback is a legitimate source of pain management that has shown success for results in the long term relief of migraine symptoms.
• Supplements and herbal remedies can be valid options for treatment of migraine symptoms. Some of the most commonly used supplements to treat migraine symptoms are the use of Magnesium, Riboflavin, Feverfew, Ginger, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B3, Coenzyme Q10, Ginko Biloba, White Willow Bark, Valerian, Butterbur, as well as 5-Hydroxytryptophan.
Lifestyle Changes can in fact help to reduce migraine symptoms. Setting a schedule, having a daily exercise routine, avoiding skipping meals, avoiding stress (where possible), refraining from caffeine, as well as avoiding bright and/or flashing lights can also help to reduce migraine symptoms.
Tags: herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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