I have never been a fan of movies that portrayed any type of violence, blood shed or that did not end with a happy aw moment. I strongly believe that life has enough sadness why even entertain myself with visuals of pain and blood shed that for some may have been their reality. My husband was watching one of his “guy” movies the other day in the same room where I was working, try as I may I could not block out the sounds that were coming from the speakers so my brain began to wonder.
Do individuals that suffer with chronic ailments such as carpal tunnel, neuropathy and migraines ever feel as if there is some battle going on in their head or somewhere on their body where much blood shed is being had? I am a very visual person and I blame my years of theatre but my visual thinking helps put things in perspective for me so that I can then respond accordingly to situations or toward people. Migraine headaches have to be one of the fiercest battles that wage in and to the body. The symptoms of a migraine have the power to limits one’s ability to think clearly and function on a semi-normal basis.
Symptoms And Migraine Treatments
Migraine symptoms range from a moderate head pain to a severe level of pain that can literally induce vomiting. A migraine develops in the brain and causes a chemical reaction to occur in the brain which then sets off a miserable series of migraine symptoms that could last up to seventy two hours. The following is a list of the most common complained about migraine symptoms:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Constipation
- Sensitive To Light
- Sensitive To Sound
- Cognitive Confusion
- Throbbing / Pounding Head Pain
Migraine treatment can be implemented to help relieve the painful and frustrating migraine symptoms. Migraine treatment can be pharmaceutical or holistic in nature. Both have their pros but only one has any cons. Prescription medication can be helpful at relieving migraine pain however several side effects are closely connected with their usage. A natural treatment or a holistic approach to reliving migraines is a safer thus more effective migraine treatment. Natural migraine treatments would include:
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Migraine Support Formula
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, Feverfew, headache, herbal remedies, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, natural treatment, Prescription medication
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