Recently, my spouse has had major knee pain since the temperature has dropped. Now inFlorida, a cold temperature might consist of 45 degrees F, hardly record breaking coldness. However, when the weather changes inFlorida, it goes from very humid to very dry literally overnight. Humidity, dry air and abrupt changes in the weather are all triggers of chronic vascular headaches or migraines. A migraine trigger is an environmental catalyst causing the migraine chain reaction; they must be avoided at all possible. However, they can’t always be avoided; work, family and other responsibilities have to be met, so using a migraine treatment is the best way to keep the migraine at bay. Other migraine triggers might include: caffeine, bright sunlight, smells like smoking or body odor, certain foods, alcohol, neck / back pain, sleep depravity and even stress which can come from just about anywhere.
Treatment Options
Migraine treatments are the only defense you have against such a volatile illness as migraines. Yet unfortunately, there is no cure so all you can do is to discover which migraine treatment works for you and the best way to do that is by consulting with your primary care physician. Here are some of the migraine treatments available to the avid migraine victim:
- Chiropractic Adjustment – Since migraines are a neurological condition, it does make sense that a manipulative chiropractic adjustment would help to relieve any nerve tension and realign the vertebrae / discs which can cause much pain. This procedure will not only help minimize migraine attacks but it will help to get better sleep as well.
- Migraine Support Formula – The formula is comprised of natural herbs, minerals and vitamins which effectively lessen migraine symptoms and occurrences without any known side effects. These ingredients are designed to replenish the individual’s deficiencies in the specific areas. Here are a couple of the ingredients:
- Butterbur – Helps to stop inflammation and headaches
- Ginger – Calms indigestion, nausea, vomiting and other digestive tract concerns
- Coenzyme Q10 – Blocks oxidation and free radical movement from within the body, keeping cells healthy and doing their job
- Magnesium Citrate – This compound is a great laxative and helps minimize the migraine symptom of constipation
Tags: Butterbur, chiropractic adjustments, Coenzyme Q10, Ginger, headache, herbal remedies, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment
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13 years ago
Hey, that’s a clever way of tihinkng about it.
13 years ago
Exactly where is the facebook like link ?