Migraine Headaches can be treated with a myriad of prescription medications. The problem with these prescriptions is that they take a one size fits all approach to treating migraine headaches. Each individual who suffers from migraine headaches has different triggers, risk factors, and warning signs that relate to their migraine attacks. Because every person who experiences migraine headaches will be tipped off into an attack by differing factors all of these things will affect what kind of treatment will best work for them. A one size fits all approach isn’t necessarily the best option, sometimes a little trial and error must take place in order for each individual to find the best relief from their migraine headaches.
Common Medications
Some of the medications used for migraine headaches are used as preventative measures, the most commonly used form of preventive treatment for migraine headaches are prophylactic medications. The use of prophylactic medication it is not as effective when taken once a migraine has already developed, but it can be helpful in reducing the reoccurrences of migraine headaches in the future. A few examples of Prophylactic medication are Beta Blockers, Calcium-channel Blockers, TricyclicAntidepressants, Ant serotonin Agents, as well as Anticonvulsants.
When it comes to the treatment of migraines prescription medication, while often unavoidable, should be one of the last treatments tried in helping to relieve migraine symptoms. This one size fits all approach with medication doesn’t always work because every individual can experience differing (and most of the time negative) side effects and symptoms from taking these medications. The most commonly used medication for the treatment of migraine headaches are over the counter medications (such as Ibuprofen, Excedrin, or Aleve), Ergots, vasoconstrictor combinations, and the use of Triptans. The important thing that individuals should be aware of when trying to use medication for migraine headaches is that they are only treating the symptoms of their migraine headaches once they have begun, however, if prevention could be attained in a more healthy and beneficial way the migraine headaches could be avoided all together.
Prevention for migraine headaches can be attained with the use of certain supplements. An individual who can avoid the migraine headaches all together would no longer need any of the prescription medications that could cause negative side effects or other symptoms. A more natural approach to treating migraine headaches does exist in the form of Supplemental Treatments. The most commonly used supplements for the treatment of migraine headaches are Magnesium, Vitamin B-12, Coenzyme Q10, and 5-hydroxytryptophan. Other combination supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula also have been proven highly successful in the prevention of migraine headaches and cause virtually no side effects for the individual taking it.
Tags: Coenzyme Q10, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, headache, Magnesium, Supplemental Treatments, Vitamin B-12
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