This topic probably caught many individuals attention, especially if that individual happens to be a chronic migraine sufferer. To avoid prescription or over the counter medicine may seems like an oxymoron when discussing migraine treatments; however there is actually a very good argument to be had here.
Over The Counter Medicine
Often times the first line of defense in migraine treatment is the use of over the counter medicine in order for an individual to find pain relief. However the problem with over the counter medicine is that individuals must be very careful because drug interactions can take place with other over the counter medicine products as well as other prescription drugs. The other problem with over the counter medicine when used for migraines is that overuse of these medications can actually cause more frequent headaches or even worsening of the symptoms associated with the migraines.
What are the Alternatives?
So if over the counter medicine is not the greatest treatment for individuals seeking migraine relief, than what is a migraine sufferer supposed to do? First of all just knowing that there are alternative treatment options for migraine relief other than medication (either prescription or over the counter medicine) that do in fact exist and have been proven highly beneficial and effective in pain relief. Some of these alternative migraine treatment options include Therapy & Supplemental techniques. Some of the therapy options include Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Chiropractic care, as well as Massage therapy. These forms of therapy are non-medicinal but have been proven highly effective for individuals who seek relief from painful migraines. Other alternative therapies include the use of Supplements as a treatment option. Some of the most commonly used supplements for migraine relief are Magnesium, Vitamin B-12, Coenzyme Q10, 5-Hydroxytryptophan as well as combination supplements such as The Migraine Support Formula.
So while many individuals may run to the medicine cabinet to grab that quick over the counter medicine in order to find pain relief from migraines, it might be best to stop and think about all of the side effects associated with many of these products and look towards a more natural and healthy way of dealing with the pain associated with migraine attacks.
Tags: Acupuncture, Alternative Therapies, Biofeedback, chiropractic care, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, Vitamin B-12
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