Talking to a chronic migraine sufferer can help give insight on how challenging life can become when you are faced with reoccurring migraines. Reoccurring migraine headaches causes several disruptions to life and the productivity of life and work. Not only are migraine headaches painful but they can leave a person out of commission for several days. Migraines are not just a lame excuse to get out of work; they are a legit neurological condition that can keep a person flat on their back for several days.
If you were to ask a migraine patient which is worse: the head pain associated with a migraine to the migraine symptoms, I am sure your answers may vary. There are several reasons why chronic migraine patients would answer that question differently but the main one being that every person deals with and copes with pain differently and what may cause extreme pain for one person may not be as intense for another.
Pains common amongst migraine sufferers include head pain and debilitating symptoms. The head pain is often described as a unilateral throbbing or pounding sensation felt right above the eye. Migraine headaches take several days to fully develop and during the course of development the head pain intensifies causing extreme discomfort and possibly even cognitive confusion. Other migraine symptoms would include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Blurred Vision
- Diarrhea
- Sensitivity to light and sound
Symptom development is a long process and by the time the migraine sufferer reaches the point of migraine symptoms their body is very weary. Symptoms formulate as a result of the enlarging of the blood vessels in the brain. As the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge, they release a harmful chemical into the brain that begins to attack the brains arteries thus bringing on the different migraine symptoms.
Treating painful head pain and miserable symptoms is the only effective way to deal with reoccurring migraines. There is not known migraine cure so careful thought should be placed into the selection of a migraine treatment plan. Migraine treatment could include a pharmaceutical approach or natural methods such as massage therapy, chiropractic care and or supplements.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, Ergots, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, Migraines, nausea, treating migraines
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