Have you ever had such a severe headache that you literally could not see straight? If you answered yes, then you may have experienced a migraine headache. A migraine headache is a neurological condition that can have a physiological effect on the body such as blurred vision and seeing spots behind the eyes. A migraine headache brings on such severe pain that the headache itself goes through four stages and with each stage the intensity and progression of the migraine worsens.
Migraines do in fact worsen over time as a result of the changes that are developing and happening in the brain. It was mentioned earlier that a migraine headache is considered a neurological concern, but migraine headaches also fall into the category of a vascular headache as well because of the effect one has on the brain. As a migraine progresses, the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and release harmful chemicals into the brain to attack the brains arteries. As the arteries are being attacked, symptoms begin to unfold such as:
- Throbbing Head Pain
- Pounding Head Pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Sensitivity To Lights
The second stage of a migraine is known as the aura stage and it is during this stage that trouble with one’s vision may occur. This second stage is brought on just a few hours before the most severe stage and that is the actual headache stage. Once a migraine reaches the third stage, the only thing left to do is to sit back try to relax and wait it out – migraine treatment does no good at this point.
So What Now
An effective migraine treatment is a preventative one. Treating migraines before they occur is the most effective way to reduce migraine frequencies and migraine durations. Preventative migraine treatments would include pharmaceutical interventions like Triptans and Ergots. Natural preventative treatments encompass acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic manipulation. The most effective migraine preventative treatment would be one that has been clinically proven to work and eliminate migraine headaches. There is no 100% guarantee that any migraine treatment will work; however, some have been proven to be more effective than others and the best solution would be a natural solution such as Migraine Support Formula.
Tags: Acupuncture, Ergots, headache, Magnesium Citrate, massage, migraine attack, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, natural treatment, throbbing head pain, Triptans
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