What I am about to talk about might seems strange at first it will make sense as I progress. The truth is chronic migraines are very excruciating and can drastically lessen a person’s aptitude to live routinely within a reasonable level. Migraine headaches ripen neurologically and can cause chemical and physiological changes to befall as a consequence. Chemical fluctuations in the brain begin as the blood vessels in the brain start to enlarge and expand. As the blood vessels grow, they cause painful sensations such as throbbing and pounding to take place on one side of the head. As the blood vessels continue to expand, a harmful chemical is then released; this harmful chemical begins to attack the brains arteries causing a series of miserable symptoms to unfold. Many times the neurological changes, like the ones cited above, can have emotional impact and cause a physiological response as in the case of a known migraine trigger called Cortical Spreading Depression or CSD.
Eliminating Migraine Pain Thru Prescription Meds
CSD is an extremely painful nerve phenomenon in which tender nerve ending or slowing depressed in their response time and can dull or even inflame the nerves over a period of 20-40 minutes; it, more often than not, can stop a person right in their tracks. Many times the only way you can find relief from this migraine symptom is by utilizing a migraine treatment option. In regards to migraine treatment options, there is little that a doctor or a medical professional can prescribe. Triptans and Ergots are two newer migraine treatment medications that physicians are starting recommend to chronic migraine victims. Triptans and Ergots are often prescribed as a preventative to migraine attacks and a preventative implies that the medication is taken in advance to reduce the chances of a migraine starting or worsening. Triptans and Ergots treated migraine pain by constricting or narrowing the arteries and blood vessels in order to prevent them from swelling and causing intense migraine pain. This method would work for some but for others it would narrow the blood vessels and arteries to much thus killing them or causing severe health problems. Triptans and Ergots were two medications that seemed to be an effective migraine treatment until complaints began to surface, involving further health problems and health risks such as:
• Heart Attack
• Stroke
• Chest Pain
• Kidney Failure
Tags: herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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