With busy lives it is impossible to find time to sit and research various topics; however when it comes to personal health, it is imperative that a person take the time to sit and research various health related topics. When choosing to sit and research a health related issue, it is always best to start with a topic you are interested in or that you or someone you care about deal with personally. One of the leading health concerns that plague America is chronic migraines; in fact one of the leading excuses for missed work is migraine related.
When a migraine attacks, very few people know how to handle the pain that is associated with the migraine so they opt to do nothing or they opt to take over the counter pills. Taking over the counter medicines will do little to nothing to help relive migraine pain; if anything the over the counter pills will upset the migraine victim’s stomach. Migraines are a neurological disorder that develops in the brain therefor over the counter medicines will not work on helping ease the pain. So what options does a person suffering with chronic migraine have? The answer can be rather complicated because no two people are the same therefore treatment does not have an umbrella effect.
Preventative Treatment
When trying to treat migraine pain, the best plan of action would be a preventative plan. Though no preventative plan is a 100% guarantee, the chances are still greater then choosing to do nothing. Preventative treatments should always be discussed with a medical professional before attempting; however this article is meant to be informative so a list of treatment options will be posted so that discussion between yourself and your primary physician can be a profitable and focused one.
Prescription Medications
Prescription medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills, and triptans and antiseizure medicines are all treatments that might be prescribed. Medications such as these do come with a series of side effects that are worth considering and evaluated before using.
Natural Treatment Options
For a safer approach to Migraine treatment consider using the following treatment options:
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic Care
- Massage Therapy
Tags: headache, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, natural treatment, neurological condition, pmigraine prevention, Prescription medication, preventative treatment, treating migraines, Triptans
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