A decision has to be made in regards to migraine treatment or the chronic migraine sufferer is left to struggle with his or her migraine pain on a reoccurring basis. No one wants to habitually live with the limitations that a migraine can have on a person’s life this is why selecting a treatment option is so important. The problem most migraine patients have is not whether or not to seek out a migraine treatment but rather which migraine treatment option to take part in.
There are several different types of migraine treatments and the options range from prescription based to life style changes. When the time comes to make a choice regarding migraine treatment it is important that the walls of communication are kept open between you the patient and the overseeing medical professional. Not every migraine treatment is safe for everybody therefore the wisdom and advice from your medical professional is a crucial component. It is your medical professional that will be able to steer you toward various migraine medications and other treatment alternatives so what is hindering you from making a treatment choice?
Road Block #1
Fear, fear is a roadblock that several migraine sufferers have to hurdle. The fear that the migraine treatment will not work is only part of the puzzle but another fear is that the treatment chosen will have severe side effects and complicate life. This is a real fear to have an completely understandable migraine medications have been known to have several adverse side effects and it is important that migraine patient be aware of what those side effects are.
The most common migraine treatment that one should be leery of is triptans. Triptans have been useful in the treatment of migraine pain, however there are a few risks involved that those considering treating their migraines with triptans ought to be aware of. The most common side effects associated with triptans are but not limited to:
- Drowsiness
- Facial Reddening
- Fatigue
- Tightening In The Chest
- Tightening In The Throat
- Dizziness
The role Triptans play in relieving migraine pain has to do with the affect triptans have on the restriction of blood vessels in the brain. Triptans have the job of narrowing the blood vessels in the brain in order to prevent them from enlarging and creating migraine pain. Though narrowing is part of their job, it can also have a severe side effect by not only narrowing the brains arteries i but they can also create a narrowing of the arteries in the heart. This becomes increasingly dangerous for those individuals that have already experienced some form of coronary narrowing. The narrowing caused by the triptans could lead to further narrowing resulting in a heart attack or stroke.
Medical professionals are very stingy with the diagnosing of triptans. Those that have a history of heart problems will most likely not be allowed to test out this type of medication. Even if you personally fee you are a safe healthy candidate there is still the chance that your doctor would disagree and his or her decision needs to be respected.
Ergots are similar to triptans in that they too constrict blood vessels, the difference is that triptans tend to constrict blood vessels in the brain whereas ergots are known to restrict blood vessels more in the heart and other parts of the body making them not nearly as safe of a treatment as triptans. Ergots have been known to induce nausea, vomiting and contractions in the uterus that makes them very unsafe for pregnant women.
Road Block #2
The second road block and by far the most popular is procrastination. Putting off finding a migraine treatment is only going to lead the migraine patient down the path of severe repetitive migraine pain. This does not have to be an issue. The internet is a wealth of information and easily accessible. How often does a migraine patient play on the computer or check their email? It does not take much effort to Google migraine treatment. Without migraine treatment a pattern will follow of los productivity level, lost time with loved ones and even financial stress if work is missed on a repetitive basis. Get Up and Do Something!
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine, migraine pain, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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