Migraine headaches are often described as what can be extremely severe headaches where the pain in many cases goes along with nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light as well as sensitivity to sounds and smells. As well, fatigue and irritability are likewise symptoms of migraines also. Millions suffer with migraine headaches in America alone. Migraine headache attacks, for many, are a chronic condition and a migraine can last for as long as a few days in the most severe cases for some individuals.
Migraine headaches have a tendency to make their first appearance between the ages of ten and forty five in an individual’s life. At times, however they can begin later in life. Migraines are believed to be prolonged neurological disorders defined as temperate to severe headaches. Migraine headaches are likewise believed to be a biological disease.
Causes of migraines
Migraines are believed to be caused by irregular brain activity, which can be caused by a number of aspects. However, the exact chain of events is not known. Nowadays, most medical professionals believe that the attack initiates in the brain and involves nerve pathways as well as chemicals. These changes affect blood flow in the brain as well as the surrounding tissues. Many believe migraines are due to a combination of environmental and genetic elements. However, what is the cause or trigger for a migraine in one person may not trigger one in another.
Additional possible causes and triggers for migraines:
• barometric pressure or changes in weather
• certain odors or perfumes
• loud noises or bright lights
• too much caffeine or even the lack of caffeine as in caffeine withdrawal
• changes in sleep patterns, such as too much or too little sleep
• missing meals can also be a trigger for a migraine attack
• alcoholic beverages
• certain foods can also trigger migraines
o processed, fermented, pickled, or even marinated foods
o foods that contain monosodium glutamate (MSG)
o baked goods, chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, and dairy products
o foods containing tyramine
Since one of the biggest triggers or causes for migraines would be stress and or anxiety for many people, treatments to relieve stress have been proved to help most.
Tags: aura, cause of migraines, enlarged blood vessels, genetics, Hormonal, menstration, migraine, migraine triggers, stress, Weather
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