The million dollar question for chronic migraine patients is “What Causes Migraines?” Everyone that has or lives with chronic migraines wants to know what is causing their intense migraine pain and they desperately want to know if there is anything they can do or buy to help relieve their painful symptoms. Migraine headaches are indeed miserable and if you have ever suffered with one you know how challenging it is to function while enduring one.
The reason that migraines cause such intense levels of pain and discomfort has to do with the way a migraine develops. Migraines develop as a result of coming into contact with some form of a migraine trigger. Since migraine causes are still unclear, the best thing those of us have to knowing what causes our migraines is a list of possible migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are factors that play a role in setting the stage or making the way possible for a migraine to creep in. migraine triggers can be either environmental or physiological.
Avoiding Migraine Triggers
Once a migraine trigger has been encountered, the body begins to experience a physiological and chemical change. Migraine triggers live all around us and we come into contact with them on a daily basis therefore they are unable to be avoided, however, once the migraine triggers are recognized the tentative migraine patient has time to seek out a migraine treatment thus reducing the duration and intensity of the migraine. For a more complete list of migraine triggers, speak with a medical professional; the one’s listed below are the more common complained about migraine triggers.
- Stress
- Sleeping Habits – poor sleep, not enough sleep, interrupted sleep or too much sleep
- Weather – dry, humid, rain and or drastic weather changes or drops in barometric pressure.
- Foods
- Aged Cheese
- Chocolate
- Alcohol
- Odors
- Perfume
- Cigarette Smoke
- Body Odor
Migraine triggers and migraines are two things that can’t be avoided in life – at least not at this present time. Modern day research and technology is constantly evolving and releasing new information about migraines their causes and treatments. Speaking with a medical professional can drastically improve your migraine pain; he or she will suggest various methods of treatment.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Natural Ingredients, treating migraines
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