Since ancient times, headaches have plagued people of all ranks all over the world. Today, migraines and other types of headaches affect as many as four out of every five Americans.
Weather and Other Migraine Triggers
In a recent survey, headache sufferers were given a list of 16 possible triggers. They then were asked to rank them in terms of what commonly brought on their migraines and other headaches. Three out of every four respondents said that weather triggered their headache pain. Specific weather triggers include:
• Changes in humidity
• Changes in temperature
• Storms
• Extremely dry conditions
• Dusty environments
Why Weather Triggers Headaches and Migraines
Headache specialists are still unraveling the mysteries of migraines and other headaches. Most believe a combination of factors is at play. One leading theory is that getting a headache is a protective mechanism against environmental stressors. The theory goes that headache pain would cause someone to seek a safer, more hospitable environment. The fact that changes in weather and extremes in heat and cold cause headache, some experts believe, gives credit to this theory. These experts also believe that people who get frequent headaches have a greater sensitivity to changes in the environment. They also have a lower threshold to the pain response. The reason for these things, the experts say, may be that people with migraines have likely inherited this sensitivity.
How to Cope With Headache and Migraine Triggers
Keeping a headache or migraine diary is the first step toward keeping pain from disrupting your life. Some people have clear signs that a migraine headache is coming. And they may get these warnings as early as 48 hours before the headache strikes. Possible signs include:
• Irritability
• Depression
• Frequent yawning
• Feeling especially excitable
If headaches plague you, keep a daily headache diary. That way you can look back a day or two before a headache starts for signs of what may have triggered your headache. Record any irritability or other signs. Also, if you think weather is a factor, record any of the common weather and environmental triggers listed above. Keep a detailed diary for three months to allow the variable patterns of your headaches to show up.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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