A migraine headache is caused by an enlargement of blood vessels that creates a series of chemicals to be released and attack arteries in the brain. Once the chemicals have been released to wreak their havoc, the enlarging of the arteries begins to send painful symptoms that only magnifies until the arteries have stopped expanding or migraine relief has been found.
The pain associated with a migraine headache is so intense that a person becomes increasingly sensitive to light and sound which in return leaves them unable to function in an environment where light and noise are common occurrences. The increased sensitivity to light and sound makes it a challenge for one suffering from a migraine headache to function in their workplace effectively, when all they desire is a nice quiet dark place to lie down until the throbbing stops and sanity returns. In order to lessen the pain and frequency of a migraine treatment needs to be sought and implemented.
Which Herbs Work Best?
Finding a natural way to treat migraine headaches is a safer and healthier alternative than prescription medication. Prescription medication can be addictive and have a negative physiological effect on other parts of the body that could ultimately shorten one’s life expectancy. So here are a few herbs that can help solve the problem.
White Willow Bark
White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins.
Valerian is a root that has been uncovered as a form of muscle relaxer. The use of Valerian is helpful in reducing stress, anxiety and even insomnia.
Butterbur is an herb that when used in a clinical study showed that within sixteen weeks of use the number of migraine attacks were reduced by half. Research from this study also concluded that the severity of migraine pain typically felt was drastically reduced.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 works as histamine and has shown to help lessen histamine-induced migraines by increasing diamine oxidase activity.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 is responsible for several reactions that a body experiences. B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood sugar levels. B3 when used creates a flushing of the face and with the flushing of the face the migraine is flushed right out of the system. One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
Tags: Coenzyme Q10, enlarged blood vessels, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, herbal, herbal remedies, Magnesium Citrate, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula
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