Migraine prevention is a number one priority for any individual who has every suffered from a migraine attack, especially those who suffer from regular or chronic migraines. While many times traditional medical treatment will approach prevention with the use of prescription medications, these prescription medications can cause negative side effects, or in some cases become habit forming to the individuals who are taking them. An alternative to using prescription medications for migraine prevention is to use supplements for migraine prevention.
Migraine Prevention from Supplements
Migraine prevention can in fact be attained with the use of supplements which are a more natural treatment option with far less side effects than are caused by prescription medications. Those who are searching for migraine prevention treatment should be willing to try some of the supplements which have been known to help in migraine prevention and find the best supplement that would work for them on a personal basis. A few of the most commonly used supplements for migraine prevention and treatment are as follows:
• Vitamin B-12 – Research has shown that the use of the supplement Vitamin B-12 can help to decrease the frequency and severity of a migraine for some patients. Another benefit of vitamin B2 is that it’s harmless to take while pregnant, and causes no toxicity. When the supplement Vitamin B-12 is used it is best be taken with food as it is more easily absorbed by the body and can be taken in either capsule or tablet form.
• Magnesium – Another supplement that helps with migraine sufferers is that of Magnesium. In fact research has shown that migraine sufferers will normally have lower levels of magnesium when compared to those who do not suffer from migraines. Research has shown that Magnesium when used as migraine prevention can help with the symptoms of migraines, especially for those that might be triggered by hormones in the monthly cycle of a woman.
• 5-hydroxytryptophan – Is a supplement is an amino acid that is created by the body from tryptophan; it is then converted into serotonin which is an important brain chemical. Serotonin can reduce the intensity and incidences of migraine attacks by reducing the compression and dilation of blood vessels in the brain which can lead to migraine headaches.
• Coenzyme Q10 – Coenzyme Q10 is found inside the body’s cells and is key to proper function within the cell, it has been shown to have beneficial effects for patients that are searching for migraine prevention options. Coenzyme Q10 has also been established as favorable when used in combination with Magnesium and Vitamin B2, and can be taken orally by capsule or tablet as a supplement for migraine prevention.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Niacin, Riboflavin, Valerian, Vitamin B2
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