What is a migraine? By definition a migraine is a severe reoccurring headache. This often occurs on one side of the face and can cause temporary paralysis of that side. It can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting along with visual disturbances such as flashes of light or blurred eye sight. For the 30 million people suffering from reoccurring migraine headaches this condition is debilitating. When the migraine comes there is nothing they can do but to retreat to a dark room and try to cope with the pain. This affects all aspects of their lives and knocks them out of their daily routine.
Understanding Migraine Types
There are different types of migraines. Understanding which type of migraine that is occurring allows for more effective treatment planning.
• Migraines with or without aura are considered to be most common. The aura is a visual disturbance that precedes a migraine by 20-30 minutes before pain sets in. These auras can be flashes of light, or spotted vision as if looking at a broken mirror.
• Abdominal migraines are not as common but have all of the same symptoms as a typical migraine only this migraine pain is limited to the abdominal area only.
• Status Migraine is very much like it sounds. Status meaning long lasting as if the person’s status of being is “migraine”. These migraines can last for weeks and often require hospitalization for treatment.
It is important for people who are experiencing reoccurring migraines to mark down their symptoms through a headache diary. Documenting everything that is eaten, all physical activity, weather, medications, vitamins and even perfumes being used will all be very helpful in narrowing down the causes of the migraine. These causes are referred to as “Migraine Triggers” and identifying the trigger is essential to stopping their reoccurrences.
Well Known Migraine Triggers
With migraines affecting so many people researchers have learned what are considered to be the more common migraine triggers. These triggers are: MSG, chocolate, weather changes, nitrites, certain cheeses, alcohol, sulfites, hormonal fluctuations, beans and nuts. MSG, or Monosodium glutamate, is a food additive that enhances flavor. MSG is found in many processed, packaged foods and for the migraine sufferer, food labels to be read scrupulously. MSG does not only trigger migraines but a whole host of other problems and should be avoided. Nitrites are used to prevent bacterial growth in processed meats such as hotdogs or deli meats. Cheese to avoid would be those that are aged. Aged or fermented foods contain Tyramine which is a common trigger. They usually have a strong odor to them so a good point to remember is if doesn’t smell pleasant, don’t eat it. Cheeses like mozzarella or ricotta are ok to consume. Nuts also contain Tyramine and should be avoided. These are the more common triggers but we are all individuals which is why a food and activity diary is so important in future prevention.
Adding Vitamins And Minerals To Your Daily Regimen
After identifying the triggers do everything possible to avoid them. Sometimes the answers are too easy. If you make healthy choices in your daily diet you can experience fewer migraines and less pain. There have been many studies conducted on the use of magnesium to treat and prevent migraines. Magnesium can be taken in supplement form to treat an acute migraine. It can also be absorbed through the skin from Epsom salt baths, and also found in foods we eat. Magnesium is essential for healthy nerves and muscles. When a migraine occurs the blood vessels expand and contract which is why sufferers complain of “pulsating” pain. Magnesium has anti-spasm properties that calm the blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. Just to name a few foods that contain magnesium are halibut fish, tuna, brown rice, spinach and potatoes. Adding B-2 or Riboflavin has been proven to reduce frequency of migraines significantly. Riboflavin is naturally found in foods like dairy, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. With nuts and dairy being possible triggers one may want to just supplement to insure they are getting this important vitamin. B-2 helps the body fight against free radicals and prevent cell damage. Foods that contain B-2 are organ meats, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, and milk. Cooking these foods can cause loss of the nutrients so this may also be something to consider supplementing to make sure enough riboflavin is being consumed.
Migraines are a serious condition. Finding healthy non-narcotic ways to manage the pain and bring balance to the body are key components to warding off migraines forever.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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