“Do you have to, do you have to let it linger?” These are lyrics from a popular song in the past decade; however, it does become a plea for every migraine sufferer, for little relief is found in a short amount of time. These migraine attacks can leave you weak, immobilized; losing motor function and even thinking about the simplest thing can be extremely difficult. Migraines are the leading reason for people to call off of work sick; they can leave you out of commission for three days or more without an apology for your lost income. Migraine treatments can be your only saving grace when you are overcome. They can give you the edge you need to beat back the intrusive migraine.
Migraine Treatments
The following are a few of the migraine treatments available:
- Massage Therapy – The trained professional in this career will not perform a Swedish massage or deep-tissue work out of your muscles. In order to relieve the pressure from your migraine, you have to knead the sub-occipital muscles located on the neck and down the spine. They are small and unknown to most of us; however, if you release the tension in this muscle group, you will be able to give almost immediate relief of many migraine symptoms and even the migraine itself.
- Prescription Medication – Triptans and Ergots were never designed to heal or relieve migraine attacks but they, as of right now, are the only prescribed medicines for migraine treatment. They have shown success in the relief of migraines but at what cost? They bring with them more side effects than all the other method put together such as: heart attack, stroke and can harm other vital organs. Is it worth the risk? Consult with your primary care physician to gain the advice needed to make an informed decision.
- Acupuncture – It is believed in ancient Chinese medicine that energy flows throughout the body along major channels called meridians. These meridians connect all major organs, vessels and parts of the body; if the balance of this flow is interrupted, the individual will experience an ailment or pain. In order to regain balance and achieve harmony in the body once more, the person must have needles inserted along the affected meridian which will diffuse the illness and relieve the pain.
Tags: Acupuncture, Chronic migraine, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, Prescription medication, Triptans
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