Triptans are a classification of prescription medications aimed to help in relieving migraine headaches. In particular Triptans are geared towards relieving the pressure associated with migraines. Triptans are a collection of tryptamine-based drugs, the most commonly prescribe ed Triptans are Sumatriptan,Rizatriptan, Naratriptan, Eletriptan and Avitriptan.
The two main functions of Triptans are to (1) constrict blood vessels, and (2) upset the process which leads to the migraine by disturbing the sequence of chemicals that would inflict pain or irritation to the nerve in the first place. In general Triptans are usually only prescribed to migraine sufferers with moderate to severe migraine pain who have tried other forms of migraine treatment that did not work. The benefits of Triptans are that when used correctly they will reduce the amount of pain during a migraine. Triptans should be given early on during a migraine attack, as the sooner it’s taken the better it will work. However there is a negative side to Triptans. While being useful as a migraine treatment there are many side effects such as Drowsiness, Facial Reddening, Fatigue, Tightening in the Chest, Tightening in the Throat, and Dizziness. Because Triptans work to narrow the blood vessels in order to relieve migraine pain, it can be dangerous because the narrowing of blood vessels can take place in other parts of the body such as in the arteries of the heart. For obvious reason Triptans are much more dangerous to take for someone who has any form of coronary narrowing. So while Triptans do help to eliminate the pain from migraine one must ask if there are other options to relieve this pain that don’t carry quite as many risks and side effects.
What are the Other Options?
Can there really be other options than what my doctor prescribed for me in using Triptans? The answer is absolutely, 100% yes! And even better, most of these options are more natural and far healthier for the body as a whole. Some of the common alternative migraine treatment options include therapies such as Massage, Acupuncture, or Biofeedback. The use of Chiropractic manipulation has also proven highly successful in the world of migraine treatment. Other alternative yet highly successful options include the use of supplements and herbs for migraine prevention and treatment. The bottom line is there are other options for migraine treatment, options that do not include the use of prescription medications, and options which are considered much more natural and holistic.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, Ergots, headache, massage, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, Prescription medication, Triptans
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