Seeking out a migraine preventative treatment can be somewhat tricky in that there are several to choose from and they all sound similar in the way they work – WRONG. Every preventative migraine treatment is different, though they may share some of the same qualities that does not mean they are the same. When sifting through information on preventative migraine treatments it is important that time is taken to analyze each and every one before making a decision.
This particular article is going to discuss one of the preventative migraine treatment options known as triptans. Triptans are a collection of tryptamine-based drugs. Tryptamine is a monoamine alkaloid that can be found in certain vegetation such as plants, fungi and animals. Triptans are used as a tool to prevent migraines from being successful in completely immobilizing an individual. Because of triptans unique ability to attach to the serotonin receptors on the blood vessels and the surrounding nerves, they can help reduce and in some cases completely stop migraine headaches from occurring.
The reason that triptans are so effective at relieving migraine pain has to do with the way they work. Triptans work to reduce migraine attacks by way of constricting or narrowing the blood vessels making it difficult for them to enlarge and inflict severe pain. This might sound like a wonderful thing to migraine sufferers, after all it is the enlarging of the blood vessels that cause the throbbing / pounding sensation in the head, however the constricting or the narrowing of the blood vessels could lead to a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure. Other side effects that are common with the use of triptans would include the following:
- Drowsiness
- Facial Reddening
- Fatigue
- Tightening In The Chest
- Tightening In The Throat
- Dizziness
Safer Treatment Options
To avoid severe health complications due to a preventative treatment such as triptans a natural alternative is encouraged. Alternative treatment options would include a natural approach using methods such as acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic care and herbal supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula all of which have proven to be just as effective as medications but without the complicated side effects.
Tags: chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, natural treatment, Prescription medication, Triptans
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