Migraines are a chronic neurological condition characterized as bad to severe headaches. Sometimes the symptoms for a migraine attack can include sensitivity to light as well as nausea and vomiting. Migraine headaches are also considered a biological disease. They are likewise branded by throbbing head pain, usually located on one side of the head. The pain can be on one side of the head in one attack and occur on the other side during the next attack; however, for many, the migraines start on the same side almost every time. Migraines can start as a dull ache and then get worse within minutes to hours and last anywhere from six to forty-eight hours at times even longer than that.
The precise origin of migraines is not completely understood. Most scientists think that migraines are due to atypical fluctuations in levels of substances that are naturally created in the brain. When the levels of these elements increase, they can cause inflammation. This inflammation then causes the blood vessels in the brain to swell and cause pressure on nearby nerves, causing pain. Research has shown that those with migraines react to a variety of factors and events, often called triggers. These triggers can vary from person to person and they don’t always lead to migraine attack.
Triggers of migraines:
• Stress and anxiety is always a big trigger for a lot of people.
• Too much sleep, too little sleep, interrupted sleep, inconsistent or erratic sleep schedules, as well as even poor quality sleep
• Skipped meals or irregular eating patterns
• Bright lights, loud noises, or strong odors
• Weather changes or changes in barometric pressure
• Caffeine too much or even the withdrawal of caffeine
• Artificial sweeteners or anything that contains Aspartame such as NutraSweet and Equal
• Exercise or added physical stress
• Foods that contain nitrates
• Foods that contain tyramine
• Foods that contain MSG which is monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer that is found in fast foods, broths, seasonings, and spices
Lastly, Dehydration is a common overlooked source of migraines. Some can be more susceptible to dehydration than others, and it’s something we often overlook as a potential reason for migraines. Both alcohol and caffeine can be dehydrating, so we need to be careful to consume enough liquids that don’t contain them; water is always a good source of hydration.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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