Red lights often signal a warning or an alert, but when it comes to the body there is no red light or warning siren that goes off alerting the body’s owner that there is possible health threat. Since the body does not have an imbedded alert system how does the body know when there is something going on within in and that there is a need for medical attention. The body is a self-alerting system that communicates to the body’s owner that something is not right by unleashing several symptoms.
The symptoms unleashed vary depending on diagnosis, so it is important that once a series of symptoms begin to manifest themselves that an individual seeks medical attention quickly so as to avoid further complications.
Migraine Warnings
Chronic migraines are just one of the many conditions that can plague a person and become a serious health complication if not treated. Though a migraine may seem trivial, they can in fact create several limitations, most of which limits mobility and cognitive clarity. When a migraine attacks, it causes the migraine patient to want to seek shelter somewhere quiet and dark far from people and responsibility. Migraine headaches are often mistaken for sinus infections or severe headaches, when in fact they can be a reoccurring neurological disorder.
There are several misunderstandings about migraines the most common one being that they appear out of nowhere. Migraine headaches take several days to fully develop and send out several preemptive warning signs alerting its body owner that one is on the way; the problem is that the migraine sufferer does not recognize the warning sign or the warning sign is excused off as something else. Migraine triggers are the avenue by which a migraine might be caused, so if a migraine trigger has been encountered, the migraine patient can be on the lookout for the following warning signs or trigger alerts.
- Extreme Fatigue
- Obsessive Yawning
- Food Cravings
- Depression
Possible Prevention
Preventing migraines is impossible but there are several migraine prevention treatments on the market that can help reduce the risk of a migraine developing such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills, triptans, ergots and or herbal supplements like the Migraine Support Formula.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic care, Chronic migraine, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, natural treatment, preventative migraine treatment, severe migraine pain
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