Treating migraine headaches can be a tricky thing. Migraine headaches are not your normal run of the mill headache that can be passively soothed with over the counter medicine. Migraine attacks go much deeper than surface head pain. Migraine headaches stem from the brain and the blood vessels that dwell there. The onset of a migraine is had when a neurological change happens in the brain; the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge thus creating a domino effect.
The domino effect is when the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge, they release harmful chemicals to run amuck in the brain tormenting the brains arteries. The brain arteries then set off the signal that alarms the body that something is not right. The body begins to experience migraine symptoms. Migraine symptoms are just as terrible as the migraine pain itself, due the debilitating effect they can have on a person’s productivity at home and work. Blood vessels enlarging could take as long as seventy two hours before they stop growing. During the time it takes the blood vessels to stop growing, migraine pain and symptoms intensify.
Symptoms could go from a mild dull ache to intense throbbing within the three days inducing other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. The after affect that migraine headaches can have on their victims are weakness, stiffness and muscle pain. Chronic migraine sufferers are forced to endure such life interruptions month after month; without a migraine treatment plan, this painful migraine cycle will continue. Taking the step toward selecting a migraine treatment is the first step in getting off the crazy migraine cycle. Migraine treatments may not be a 100% guarantee; they are however better than no treatment at all.
Treating a migraine headache can be done through several preemptive treatment options such as prescription medications, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments as well as through natural herbal supplements such as ginger, magnesium, feverfew and vitamin supplements. Research has shown that the correct combination of herbal and vitamin supplements can have a positive effect on migraine headache frequencies, symptoms and pain levels. Natural migraine treatments can give hope to those who have suffered for years with chronic migraines with little to no relief.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, intense throbbing, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, migraine treatment plan, preemptive treatment, prescription medications, vomiting
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