Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? Stop…Go…Stop…Go…yea, it can be a bit redundant in its motion. Most traffic jams I have been in haven’t been from the road being blocked. It has been because of the rubber neckers, which are people who slow down during travel to view what has happened at an accident on the side of the road. They are annoying and very frustrating. But traffic, whether due to rubber necking or not, can really mess up you schedule and ruin many plans you could have had, especially your punctuality. Migraines, like traffic, can ruin your day or even your entire week. These vascular headaches are incapacitating and can only be helped through the practice of a migraine treatment. The migraine headache is the number one reason for men and women in the States to miss work due to an illness, not traffic. They are incurable, unbearable and intolerable to be around. Throughout this article, we will look at different aspects of the migraine world.
Triggers And Treatments
Here are a few other triggers which might plague you: light, food, alcohol, smoking (smell), loud noises, humidity, dry air, light or even darkness. The goal of knowing which triggers affect you is to avoid them. However if I don’t avoid these plausible triggers, I could be looking at a lot of pain and no productivity, which hurts everyone. I will never forget this statement, “You can’t always avoid and run from possible migraine triggers.” However, you can have a reliable migraine treatment plan to help you when things look bleak. So, don’t worry; just look for the migraine treatment that will work best for you. My favorite treatment is sleep which can also be trigger that is the lack of it. Shut the lights off, put a cold rag on my head and go to sleep. Yet others have to take more extreme method because of the overwhelming pain they experience. Methods such as the following have worked on such individuals:
• Acupuncture
• Massage Therapy
• Chiropractic Adjustment
• Prescription Medication
o Triptans
o Ergots
• Natural Supplements / Migraine Support Formula
o Ginger Root
o Riboflavin / B2
o Magnesium Citrate
o Valerian Root
o Butterbur Root
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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