After a rough cold or severe illness such as the flu or pneumonia, one of the biggest mistakes a person recovering could do is go out, hang out and participate in normal activities that healthy people do. Why? The body is still in a process of recovery and in a weakened state. The body heals itself through rest and rebuilding up of the immune system. The same can be said about those who have endured a migraine headache. If a person gets up and starts doing too much too soon after a painful ordeal such as migraine headache, it can leave a person susceptible for another migraine attack.
Migraine headaches whether they are chronic or not are still considered to be a neurological concern therefore they should not be treated as carelessly as a common headache would be cared for. Migraine headaches are not easily gotten over and no over the counter pill will help resolve the pain that comes with a migraine attack. Migraine headaches creep on and slowly nag the body into complete jello. Migraines can last for several days and the body grows weaker and weaker with each passing one. Migraine symptoms are partly to blame for the incapacitation that a migraine can bring on.
One Stage At A Time
A migraine progresses through four different stages and as the body moves through each it grows weaker and more exhausted, finally the migraine hits it climax and the body starts to return to normal – somewhat. The last stage of a migraine headache is known as the Postdrome stage. It is during this stage that migraine victims make the mistake of believe that they are better and are on the road recovery so they get up and jump back into life at full speed – bad idea. The body is very weak after a migraine; the muscles are sore and cognitive functionality has yet to return to normal.
It is imperative that during the fourth and final stage of a migraine that a migraine victim still seeks rest in order to reduce the chances of another migraine developing before he or she had time to recover from the last one.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine stages, Migraine Support Formula, Natural Ingredients, Prescription medication, treating migraines
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