Sufferers everywhere are tired of dealing with their migraine pain and symptoms; are you? Migraine headaches are condition to which there is no cure and many don’t ever seem to find relief. However, there are things called migraine treatments which don’t eliminate you from ever having a migraine headache again but they can be a strong preventative in minimizing how the symptoms affect you. Throughout this article, we will discuss migraine triggers, the migraine sequence of events and a plausible treatment option.
Migraine Triggers
Migraine are catalyzed by a physiological or environmental trigger which can really pop up from anywhere. These pesky triggers should be avoided when at all possible, yet you can’t abandon your family, career and extracurriculars al to avoid the triggers of a migraine. You should keep a journal or migraine diary to track certain trigger that you struggle with and where you experience them the most; this will help with avoiding migraine all-together. Here are some of the known triggers: bright light, loud noises, certain smells like body odor or perfume or cigarette smoke, foods like chocolate, caffeine, weather changes, fatigue, humidity, stress, dry air, hunger, tension in the neck and even alcohol.
A Sequence of Events
Once a trigger has been encountered, your blood vessels in the brain will begin to expand in size and viscosity causing a chemical to be released into the brain. This chemical will attack the arteries in the brain causing such overwhelming pain. The trigeminal nerve also becomes inflamed in the process; all of which causes the unilateral pain associated with migraine attacks. This pain and other symptoms will not cease until the blood vessels, which started this mess, return back to their original size and thickness. This chronic experience can take three days or more depending on how faithful you are with using your migraine treatment.
A Plausible Treatment Option
The Migraine Support Formula is one of the most effective and safest treatment options around. It utilizes a precise combination of all-natural vitamins, herbal supplements and mineral compounds to minimize the frequency and intensity of the migraine and its symptoms. Here are some of the ingredients: Valerian, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, 5-HTP, Niacin, Ginger, Feverfew, Butterbur and more.
Tags: Chronic migraine, constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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