One of the most commonly asked questions amongst chronic migraine sufferers is, are migraine preventable? If a medical professional had a dime for every time he or she has been asked that question he or she would be much wealthier then he or she already is. Migraine headaches are very painful and make functioning nearly impossible. There are a few steps one can take to reduce the chances of developing a migraine such as:
- Avoid Migraine Triggers
- Preventative Medication
A chronic migraine sufferer could spend every hour of his or her day trying to avoid migraine triggers and their common risk factors but neither of the steps mentioned is 100% effective in preventing a migraine from creeping in and causing pain and frustration.
Since we are unable to prevent migraine headaches the next best thing would be to find a way to treat the intense pain so that life can have some form of normality and function.
Possible Preventative Treatments
There are several approaches one suffering with intense migraine pain may take in hopes of lessening the duration and intensity level of a migraine. The most common preventative measures are avoiding triggers or factors that can set off a migraine or take medication to help lessen the chances of a migraine developing.
Individuals that suffer from mild migraines on rare occasions tend to treat their migraine headaches with over the counter medications. Over-the-counter medication can help relieve migraine pain temporarily and should be administered as instructed by the manufacturer. There are two types of over the counter medication.
Though medicating with over-the-counter medicine would be the ideal way to treat a migraine, there are those cases that need something more drastic in their approach to treating a migraine headache. This approach could include prescription medication, migraine surgery or nerve muscle removal. A few of the medication that a doctor might prescribe to assist with lessening the occurrence of migraines would be:
- Anti-depressants
- Anti-Seizure Medication
- Blood Pressure Medication
- Herbal
Migraine prevention is by trial and error and the first several prevention methods may or may not work, the important thing is to keep searching and testing out various therapies until something clicks and works
Tags: herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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