Do you ever get that gut feeling that the situation you currently have found yourself in is about to take a miserable turn? Those that suffer from reoccurring migraine headaches know that gut feeling well. The start of a migraine attack often begins mild enough but the preemptive warning signs that are connected to or associated with a migraine increase to the point of complete and utter misery. What causes migraine misery?
The pain associated with a migraine attack has been a mystery for some decades, but through clinical studies and scientific research new information has been brought to light regarding why migraines are so painful to endure and how migraine can be treated effectively and safely. This news might be new to some chronic migraine sufferers, but hopefully this tidbit of information can help lessen the frequency of reoccurring migraines, shorten migraine duration and decrease the intensity a migraine can have.
Migraine Development
How does a migraine patient know when a migraine is forming? The preemptive warning signs are a clue as to the forming or developing of a migraine. A migraine develops in the brain and is considered to be a neurological condition due to the chemical changes it causes in the brain as a result of its forming. In the early developmental stage the migraine produces several warning symptoms like fatigue, obsessive yawning, food cravings and even bouts of depression. These migraine symptoms are designed to alert the migraine patient and encourage them to implement a migraine treatment before the migraine develops further and the pain becomes too severe to treat.
Studies have shown that migraine preventative treatment is most effective if taken at the first sign of the preemptive warning symptoms. If a migraine treatment is not implemented than the migraine patient will spiral downward into a pit of miserable symptoms like nausea, vomiting, constipation and sensitivity to light and sound.
Migraine Treatment
Migraine treatment varies depending on the migraine patient and what his or her migraine needs are. There are two forms of migraine treatment the first being the use of prescription medications and the other being the use of natural or holistic migraine treatments. Both migraine treatment options have been proven to be effective but the use of prescription medications have been known to cause severe side effects so it is much more safe and in the long run more effective is a natural migraine approach like an herbal supplement, acupuncture, massage therapy and or chiropractic care.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic care, Chronic migraine, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, natural treatment, preventative migraine treatment, severe migraine pain
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