Migraines are like a pest you can’t swat away or get rid of which can be really annoying and frustrating. The problem, though, doesn’t lie with the fact that they can’t go away but that they release such intense pain and symptoms it can leave the un-expecting victim incapacitated. Here are some of the symptoms that affect migraine sufferers: vomiting, depression, blurred vision, dizziness and of course the intense head pain. Most people, going thru life with this condition, don’t even know the first step toward relief. Well, help is on the way and it comes in the form of a migraine treatment option. These options can come in many forms but basically two: natural means and prescription medications. Medications are easy to take for migraine but they aren’t the best choice as they come with some side effects that can be harmful to your health. The best choices come from the natural options or more holistic choices like herbal remedies or massage therapy with essential oils. Read on throughout this article to discover more info about migraine and how to stop their progression.
You Might Be At Risk
For a person dealing with these severe headaches, it is vitally crucial to locate migraine treatment that will work best for them. Migraine headaches can happen to anyone; however, there are factors that play a part in increasing the risk of some individuals such as:
- Family History – Genetic factors play a big part in those suffering from migraines. Studies have shown up to 90 percent of people with migraines have a family history of them and says that those individuals that come from a family history of migraine sufferers will most likely be at risk of suffering from chronic migraines as well.
- Gender – It is a commonly known fact that more migraine suffers tend to be female. Hormonal changes seem to play a very large role in the case of migraines. During childhood or adolescents, the frequencies of migraines between sexes were not that different but a drastic increase in migraine headaches in females become apparent as they neared puberty. The reason behind this statistic seems to reside in the case of estrogen, its levels, and its effects on migraines. This is also why women often complain more of migraines around the time of their monthly cycle. This is known as Menstrual Migraines.
- Medical Issues – Individuals who are have medical issues such as depression, anxiety, stroke, epilepsy and high blood pressure are more susceptible to migraines than people who have not suffered with any of the listed medical concerns.
Trumping The Risk Factors
If in fact a person might have preexisting risk factors towards migraines, it is important to note that there are a myriad of migraine treatment options ranging from therapeutic, supplemental, and of course the use of medications. A person searching migraine treatment will most certainly need to meet with a physician in order to properly diagnose the underlying causes and discuss any forms of medical action needing to take place. However, it is also important that migraine sufferers are aware of alternative treatments such as biofeedback, stress management, acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, or herbal remedies. These forms of alternative care are used widely within the world of migraine treatment and have been proven very successful in both the prevention or in the very least the lessoning of symptoms of a migraine. Knowledge is the key to finding the best possible migraine treatment available for every individual.
A Regular Option
Migraines are difficult to get a handle on unless you utilize a treatment option on a regular basis; this can either be a prescription drug or natural support therapy such as acupuncture or massage therapy. The best treatment out there though is the use of supplements, vitamins and mineral compounds to aid in relieving your migraine symptoms. Here are a few of the supplements that work best.
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – Vitamin B3 is responsible for several reactions that a body experiences. B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood sugar levels. B3 when used creates a flushing of the face and with the flushing of the face the migraine is flushed right out of the system. One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
- Valerian – Valerian is a root that has been uncovered as a form of muscle relaxer. The use of Valerian is helpful in reducing stress, anxiety and even insomnia.
Tags: age, genetics, medical history, migraine attacks, migraine headaches, migraine sufferer, Migraines, Risk Factors, treatment
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