Migraine headaches take place within four distinct stages that have their own symptoms and issues for the sufferers to deal with. The stages appear in the order of: Prodrome, Aura, Headache and Postdrome. Though these are the stages, not everyone experiences all of the stages or all that each stage is capable of bringing into their life in regards to symptom drama. Here is some info about the Postdrome Stage, the final stage of the migraine process. The Postdrome stage occurs after the pain from the headache stage has subsided; yet this is where most migraine sufferers think the migraine process is over where as I stated it is not. Suring the Postdrome phase, the victim will fell almost hung-over as if they were out all night drinking. The symptoms felt in this stage are: anxiety, depression, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and some dizziness as well.
Prescribed By Most Doctors For Migraine Prophylaxis
Medications that are most commonly prescribed to aid in the lessening of the occurrence of migraine attacks are anti-depressants, anti-seizure medications, as well as blood pressure medications. When speaking of migraine prevention often the use of prophylactic medications are prescribed. Prophylactic medication will not be as effective if taken once a migraine has already begun, but will be helpful when taken on a daily basis as a preventative migraine treatment. Some of the most common prophylactic medications are beta blockers, calcium-channel blockers, tricyclic anti-depressants, anti-serotonin agents, as well as anti-convulsants. Each of these prescribed medications for migraine treatment come with a multitude of negative side effects, and when possible should only be used as a last defense in migraine treatment. Triptans are a type of medication that is geared towards relieving the pressure associated with migraines. Triptans are able to constrict blood vessels as well as create an upset in the process which leads to a migraine attack. Triptans are most often prescribed to a migraine sufferer that experiences moderate to severe migraine pain. As notated just like many prescription drugs there are side effects to Triptans. The most common side effects listed from taking Triptans are drowsiness, facial reddening, fatigue, tightening in the chest, tightening in the throat, as well as dizziness. But perhaps the most worrisome side effect from Triptans is that because Triptans aid in migraine treatment by restricting the blood vessels, they don’t only restrict blood vessels in the head but also in other parts of the body such as the heart, which can be of obvious danger.
Learning To Deal With The Migraine Condition
Evidence has shown that every person will experience pain levels on different thresholds, and each migraine victim will have their own set of warning signs, triggers, and symptoms that accompany their specific migraine attacks. This is perhaps sometimes why those “one for all” prescription drugs do not work, not to say the myriad of negative side effects that many times accompany them as a package deal when trying to treat a migraine with them. But what if there were some all natural ingredients, or herbal remedies that could be personally tailored to each migraine sufferer to aid in both prevention and lessening of migraines and their symptoms. There is good news! And even better news is that many studies have been completed that show these ingredients can not only help with the ache of migraines but they are both helpful and good for the body without all those malicious side effects that prescription medications can have.
Trying Some Side Effect Free Treatment
Migraines are serious illnesses which wreak havoc on thousands of people all around the world. These headaches, which often come along with symptoms just as bad if not worse than the pain of the actual headache, can abandon a person feeling helpless to the attack when the migraine arrives. But what if there were options for natural migraine treatment that didn’t allow the use of medications and tacking on possible side effects from those medications. Well, the good news is that a natural migraine treatment can be found with the use of the Migraine Support Formula. There are many commonly known supplements that have been proven to work for migraine prevention on their own volition. However, studies have been finalized that show joining many of these supplements together can be of even more of a benefit to the migraine victim. The migraine support formula is a compilation of the following all natural ingredients:
• Water-soluble riboflavin
• Magnesium citrate
• Feverfew
• Ginger
• Coenzyme Q10
• Ginko Biloba
• White Willow Bark
• Valerian
• Butterbur
• 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
• Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
• Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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