Migraines are affecting nearly 300 million people across the globe. Migraines come in all shapes and sizes. They are not partial to gender, age, or race. They affect people of all shapes and all sizes. A migraine is not a typical headache. Though some headaches can be quite severe, a migraine is a whole other monster. Before the migraine occurs there are usually warning signals like irritability, blind spots, bowel changes, numbness, tingling, sensitivity to lights and sounds. Migraines come with excruciating pain, slurred speech, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. They will typically affect one side of the face and can last anywhere from 3-4 hours up to 3-4 days.
Baby Migraines
Who would ever think that babies can have migraines? A recent study reports that moms who have a history of migraines run a 2.6 percent higher chance of having colicky babies. The cause of colic is still a mystery. Most attribute it to gas build up in the abdomen however they do not respond to gas relieving medications. This study may have shed some light on what could actually be behind it. A baby is officially diagnosed as having Colic if it cries consistently for 3 or more hours a day and happening at least 3 days a week.
This hereditary link could be a major breakthrough. With evidence showing a genetic link between migraines and colic, this not only helps us gain understanding about colic, but will also help us learn more about migraines in general.
School Age Children
Children as young as 5 years old have suffered from reoccurring migraines. Migraines at this age are more common in boys until they reach 10 years old. Boys are very active, rough and tumble little creatures and this physical exertion is a commonly known migraine trigger. After that the girls take the prize. Girls are three times more likely than boys to experience migraines after puberty. This is believed to be due to the hormonal changes that girls experience in early adolescence. Fluctuating estrogen levels have been proven triggers for migraines and at this age girls begin to experience these types of hormonal changes.
Male Migraines
Men do experience migraines! The numbers of men who are diagnosed with migraines are drastically smaller in comparison to the number of women. This is believed to be, in part, because they are less likely to seek help from a doctor without a little push. Those with a father, husband, son or brother can understand this very well. But it could also be that they do not have the same roller coaster hormone cycles that women do. The triggers experienced among men are often related to alignment changes within the body. A sports accident, auto injury or any type of strenuous type of physical activity can create changes in the neck or spine. This can pinch off nerves and affect the vascular flow. This vascular change can trigger migraines. Men who experience migraines are at higher risk for vascular problems like stroke, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Female Sufferers
Women suffer migraines more than any other group. Those mostly affected are between ages 20 to 55. Several factors play in here. First the hormonal changes that occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle are a classic migraine trigger. The estrogen levels increasing and decreasing is partly to blame because this can cause irritability and make for high stress levels. A woman’s menstrual cycle also creates a change in the body’s nutritional needs throughout the month. For instance she may require higher levels of iron at certain times over others to accommodate for what she loses during menses. Nutrition has a lot to do with preventing migraines and managing them. Secondly, women tend to internalize their stress, do not make the time for themselves, and this creates a buildup of tension. Women are more likely to be watching their figures. They take part in diet changes which can also be triggers. Most sugar free or fat free products have additives in them that are intended to uphold the flavor. These additives like aspartame or MSG for instance are well known migraine triggers.
Management And Prevention
The best thing to do if migraines are a part of your life, either directly or indirectly through a family member, is know the triggers. Triggers can be found be documenting your daily food consumption and activities. When you narrow down your triggers you can often avoid them whether they are food related, injury related, hormonally related, or stress related. You can bring your body back into balance. There are several natural supplements that can be taken to restore hormonal balance. Acupuncture, massage, or chiropractic therapy can help the body return to proper alignment and are also great stress reducers. Healthy food choices will always remain at the top of the list of ways to keep the body running optimally. Chemicals should not be a part of our diet. Healthy, organic, nutrient rich foods, especially those with magnesium, will help keep inflammation down and reduce migraine frequency and intensity. You can prevent migraines from reoccurring.
Tags: blurred vision, constipation, migraine attack, migraine headahces, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, vomiting
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